Thursday, December 11, 2008

Psoriasis Awareness Month Honored by 3,000 Dermatologists Using Vivacare

Psoriasis Awareness Month Honored by 3,000 Dermatologists Using Vivacare

Psoriasis handouts are published online by over 3,000 dermatologists using Vivacare to inform their patients and the public about the psoriasis and psoriasis treatment options.

Berkeley, CA (PRWEB) August 1, 2010

Psoriasis (http://fromyourdoctor. com/topic. do? title=Psoriasis+Basics&t=2191) is a chronic skin disorder affecting as many as 7.5 million Americans and, in honor of Psoriasis Awareness Month, dermatologists are providing their patients with online access to in-depth resources to educate them about psoriasis treatment (http://fromyourdoctor. com/topic. do? title=Psoriasis+Treatment&t=11560) options.

The National Psoriasis Foundation has designated August as National Psoriasis Month. In support of this public awareness effort, Vivacare has expanded its psoriasis education resources made available to over 3,000 dermatologists who use Vivacare's 'From Your Doctor' (http://fromyourdoctor. com/) patient education service.

Dermatologists use Vivacare to enhance their own practice Websites with customizable patient handouts, patient eNewsletters, and other resources to help patients better understand and manage their skin conditions. They can now supplement their practice Website with new patient handouts about psoriasis and its treatment.

Vivacare has expanded its patient education resources to include information about the different types of psoriasis (plaque psoriasis, guttate psoriasis and others), phototherapy (PUVA and UVB phototherapy), topical medications (corticosteroids, Tazorac, Vectical (http://fromyourdoctor. com/topic. do? title=Vectical+calcitriol+Ointment&t=10775), oral medications (cyclosporine, methotrexate, Soriatane) and the new biologic medications (http://fromyourdoctor. com/topic. do? title=Biologics+for+Psoriasis&t=6708) (Amevive, Enbrel, Humira, Remicade, Stelara).

The psoriasis content includes references from the National Psoriasis Foundation so that patients learn more about this research, education and advocacy organization dedicated to improving the lives of people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

“Vivacare helps doctors to educate their patients”, said Dr. Mark Becker, President of Vivacare. 'We make it easy for doctors to direct patients to relevant and practical health information that supports the doctor's clinical perspective and professional approach to care.' Dr. Becker added that 'by providing dermatologists with in-depth resources about psoriasis, we help them inform their communities about this under diagnosed skin condition and the availability of safe and effective treatments.'

Psoriasis leads to red, scaly patches on the skin that can worsen in episodes called “flares”. The severity of a psoriasis flare can range from mild to severe and can, at times, be disfiguring and even life-threatening. The scaling and unpleasant appearance of psoriasis lesions (especially if left untreated) can cause embarrassment and be a significant source of anxiety or depression. There are five types of psoriasis, each defined by the type of skin lesions that appear with plaque psoriasis being the most common. The recommended treatment for an individual varies depending upon the type of psoriasis, its location, its severity, results of previous treatments, and possible side effects.

About Vivacare

Vivacare is a patient education company based in Berkeley, California that makes it easy for medical professionals to share practical health information with their patients, leading to improved clinical care and patient satisfaction. The patient education service is available at no cost to physicians within 12 medical specialties.

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