Volunteer Ministers: Second Scientology-Sponsored Charter Flight Takes Doctors, Ministers and Medical Supplies to Haiti
The second charter flight this week sponsored by the Church of Scientology arrived in Haiti today with doctors, medical supplies, Volunteer Ministers and other relief workers for the stricken country.
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) January 22, 2010
The 168-seat aircraft departed from Los Angeles Thursday afternoon with medical personnel, specialists in water filtration and sanitation systems, telecommunications experts, emergency medical technicians and representatives from three international adoption agencies.
In Miami, more than 100 doctors, nurses and other health care professionals from the Association of Haitian Physicians Abroad (Association des Médecins Haïtiens a l’Etranger) joined the West Coast group before continuing to Port-au-Prince.
In Haiti, the relief workers were met by the Scientology Disaster Response Team that arrived in Port-au-Prince Sunday after flying from New York with 133 doctors and nurses from the Association of Haitian Physicians Abroad, paramedics from the Bedford-Stuyvesant Volunteer Ambulance Corps, and Volunteer Ministers (http://blog. volunteerministers. org) from a half-dozen states.
The teams, in coordination with other relief organizations, are distributing water, food and medical supplies and providing a wide range of services to support the medical professionals.
A Scientology Volunteer Minister who is a certified midwife has delivered two babies in Port-au-Prince. Others are providing trauma relief and grief counseling to relief workers and survivors of the quake.
Miami-based Prudential Aviation donated the use of the aircraft for Thursday’s charter flight and the Sunday flight from JFK. Fuel and other costs were covered by a grant from the International Association of Scientologists.
The Scientology Volunteer Ministers Corps (http://blog. volunteerministers. org) is an embracive program of the Church of Scientology to provide community service, disaster relief and emergency response. Created more than 30 years ago by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard, the program has expanded to 203,000 Volunteer Ministers worldwide who have served at 145 worst-case disaster sites, including Ground Zero after 9/11, the Southeast Asia tsunami and Hurricane Katrina.
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