Wednesday, February 20, 2002

The Seductive Chef Arrives on the Web Just in Time

The Seductive Chef Arrives on the Web Just in Time

The Seductive Chef solves the problem of how to dazzle your honey. Her hilarious e-cookbook features seven scenarios for romatic dining that will keep your true love giggling while they enjoy your fabulous gourmet cooking.

Dallas, TX (PRWEB) February 10, 2006

If your dinner plate and your love life are lacking luster, or you are madly in love and looking for wonderfully romantic ways to express your delight, here’s the answer.

The Seductive Chef’s Cookbook and More for Lovers new e-cookbook serves up amusing (and only slightly tacky) ideas to put some real sparkle into a romance, with delicious recipes, lots of laughter and…um…well…the rest is up to the creative imagination of the reader.

The e-book features seven complete meals, from appetizers to mouthwatering desserts, fifty great new recipes and suggestions for hilarious romantic scenarios that will leave the reader giggling, snickering and ready to make a dinner date.

Easily and quickly downloadable, the e-book includes the following chapters:

Chapter One: Face to Face With Nothing to Hide

Chapter Two: Whips on the Wall

Chapter Three: She Cooks a Formal Dinner for Him

Chapter Four: And He Cooks One For Her

Chapter Five: Piggy, Piggy

Chapter Six: Skinny Dippin’… It’s Good For You.

Chapter Seven: Strip Lunch

Each chapter includes recipes, detailed directions, the Game Plan (a timing schedule so the whole meal is prepared and to the table on time) and even a complete Grocery List for every chapter. You won’t find that in many other cookbooks.

And besides all that…the recipes are excellent. The Seductive Chef has whipped up some fast, easy and terrifically tasty dishes. These are not goofy dishes involving whipped cream and oysters either, they are the real thing, good enough to serve to your mother if your love life takes a dive.

As a special bonus offer The Seductive Chef Cookbook includes The Greatest Chocolate Dessert Recipe Ever, a fabulous recipe for everyone’s favorite health food.

The web site also offers a delightful on-line contest dubbed the You’ll Never Believe What Happened To Us contest. Disappointed lovers can join in on the hi-jinks and hilarity of the rest of the human race as they spill their guts on how they ruined a perfectly good romantic encounter. The best essay of the 2006 year will win $1000.

The Seductive Chef, also known as Ginnie Siena Bivona, is a dear, sweet, little old lady, the mother of five adult children whom she adores unashamedly, and seven very nearly perfectly perfect grandchildren. She has been cooking longer than most of her readers have been on the planet, and obviously knows her way around the bedroom. (There were no stars in the East heralding the birth of any of her kids.) She taught quick easy gourmet cooking, used to cater till she got too tired and has written about food for years.


Ginnie Siena Bivona

Just For Fun Cookbooks


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