Thursday, February 27, 2003

Energy Conservation Can Help Americans Save as Much as $600 Per Year on Energy Bills According to Documentary Film Playing at The Wild & Scenic Film Festival

Energy Conservation Can Help Americans Save as Much as $600 Per Year on Energy Bills According to Documentary Film Playing at The Wild & Scenic Film Festival

“Kilowatt Ours – A Plan to Re-Energize America” teaches Americans how to lower their heating bills while protecting health and environment. The 2006 screening tour opens Saturday January 14 at the Wild & Scenic Film Festival in Nevada City, California.

Nevada City, CA (PRWEB) January 13, 2006

A documentary film heralding the financial and health benefits of energy conservation and alternative energy sources will tour the nation this winter. “Kilowatt Ours: A Plan to Re-Energize America” is screening in the Wild & Scenic Film Festival in Nevada City, California on Saturday, January 14 at 3:25pm (for more information: http://www. wildandscenicfilmfestival. org (http://www. wildandscenicfilmfestival. org)). Then, the acclaimed film advocating energy conservation and alternative energy will screen at numerous venues across America, particularly in the Southeast United States, where the environmental damage from coal-fired electricity generation is significant.

“Kilowatt Ours” is the story of filmmaker and conservationist Jeff Barrie's 18 month journey across the southeastern U. S. to document our energy related problems and present practical solutions. Widespread problems revealed in “Kilowatt Ours” include mountaintop removal, air pollution, global warming, childhood asthma and mercury contamination. The film illustrates sensible solutions that allow homeowners to save up to $600 per year on energy bills while helping the environment and protecting human health.

“I hope this film sparks an energy conservation movement across America, while boosting demand for clean renewable power sources in our country” says filmmaker Jeff Barrie, who will lead a discussion at many screenings.

Background: The average home in America consumes nearly 900 kilowatt hours of electricity each month. More than 50% of our nation’s electricity is generated in coal-fired power plants, amounting to nearly 6 tons of coal burned to generate electricity for the typical American home each year. By using products marked with EPA’s Energy Star label, purchasing "alternative energy" generated from renewable resources, more effectively insulating our homes, and utilizing natural energy sources like sunlight, wind and geothermal power, consumers can reduce the impacts of our energy use while saving money.

For more information visit http://www. kilowattours. org/news-media-resources. php (http://www. kilowattours. org/news-media-resources. php) to receive an electronic media kit. DVDs are available for preview.

About The Producer:

Jeff Barrie released Kilowatt Ours in 2003. Other films by Barrie include Arctic Quest: Our Search for Truth (2000) and Generation Earth: A Look at Environmental Education (1995).


Jeff Barrie, Director

Southern Energy Conservation Initiative


Http://www. KilowattOurs. org (http://www. KilowattOurs. org)

Kilowatt Ours and the Southern Energy Conservation Initiative are projects of Trust For The Future, a 501c3 non-profit.
