Saturday, April 26, 2003

Foreword Reviews Gave the UniversityOfHealthCare HIPAA Focused Training 4A Data and Computer Security a five-star book/CD Review Rating

Foreword Reviews Gave the UniversityOfHealthCare HIPAA Focused Training 4A Data and Computer Security a five-star book/CD Review Rating.

UniversityOfHealthCare has just received a five-star rating of its data and computer security training program for HIPAA Privacy. It is available in several formats.

(PRWEB) January 7, 2005

This program is available in the following formats:

Web-based on the UniversityOfHealthCare website at www. uohc. com/courseentry. htm (http://www. uohc. com/courseentry. htm ) CD-ROM, Manual/CD-ROM combination, or Library Edition Manual/CD combination at www. atlasbooks. com/uohc (http://www. atlasbooks. com/uohc) wholesale and retail or wholesale to booksellers and libraries through your regular supplier Group licensing for a corporate Learning Management System

The program is especially appropriate for health-related organizations that need to provide basic training on information security to their staff. It provides a certificate of completion to the user to document compliance training. Organizations may contact sales@uohc. com for multi-user CDs. Five-user CDs will be available at www. atlasbooks. com/uohc (http://www. atlasbooks. com/uohc) in February, 2005, and may be back-ordered now.

The course presents the regulations and advice on data security in an entertaining manner. It includes several videos of desktop procedures. It also includes a long “What’s Wrong” section in which clicking on a photograph reveals what was done wrong in the photograph. The course endeavors to engage the reader and make the lessons practical.

The author, Daniel Farb, M. D., is the CEO of UniversityOfHealthCare, and a knowledgeable user and administrator of software, particularly in the field of training. He has also been certified on one of the Microsoft networking products. He has programmed his own patient records database.

The unabridged review is reprinted below.

UniversityOfHealthCare is a total e-learning solutions provider for management and healthcare. Its services include implementation of a learning management system, consulting, hundreds of web-based courses, and manual and CD publishing. For example, it has unique series on Bioterrorism, JCAHO and OSHA compliance, HIPAA training, Leadership, Pharmaceuticals, and much more.

The UniversityOfHealthCare website is www. uohc. com and the CD catalog is at www. uohc. com/CDROMs. htm (http://www. uohc. com/CDROMs. htm). That page has a link to slide shows of screen shots from the courses. Group sales: sales@uohc. com.


The Team at UniversityOfHealthCare

419 N. Larchmont Blvd., #323

Los Angeles, CA 90004

For appointments with the CEO: Call Judy at 866-864-2266

Foreword Reviews, January 5, 2005

You know that waiver that your doctor, dentist, pharmacist, and sundry other healthcare staff have given you to sign every time you've visited them in the past year? Despite how annoying it might be to sign that form for the umpteenth time, this book and CD show that there's a good reason for it.

We live in a technologically savvy world, where computer predators would love nothing more than to have access to all your vital statistics for a variety of nefarious reasons. While the medical community still needs to have appropriate access to information about your health, you need assurances that your identity is secure. Hence, the federal HIPAA guidelines.

Especially in a hospital setting, the need for regulations to protect privacy and confidentiality of patient records and clinical data is critical. This book and CD combination simplifies, as much as possible, how healthcare facilities, especially hospitals, can control access to necessary information about their patients, maintain computer security, and comply with HIPAA guidelines.

A computer security system that complies with HIPAA begins with training the personnel responsible for data collection to diligently keep track of all entries to the computer system and of every bit of information leaving that system. Methods of ensuring this include firewalls, backing up data to off-site computers, backing up data to floppy disks, and encrypted passwords.

The next step is to ensure that unauthorized personnel are never allowed to operate the system unless given expressed permission to do so. In between the authorized and unauthorized staff can be a ladder of categories restricting access to certain types of information.

When outside contractors are utilized, some form of agreement must be ratified between the contractor and the facility that preserves the integrity of all information shared. The HIPAA guidelines discuss the need for this type of agreement, and HIPAA Focused Training 4A Data and Computer Security Manual and CD gives further details that should be helpful to those setting out on such a partnership.

Common sense is stressed throughout this book and CD, always an important consideration when dealing with government regulations and the problems and challenges sure to arise during efforts to comply. For example, HIPPA guidelines require an ongoing log of all personnel activities regarding protecting data. This book and CD give basic and easy-to-follow details on how to set up and maintain that log.

After reading HIPAA Focused Training 4A Data and Computer Security Manual and CD, healthcare workers can give their patients that ubiquitous form to sign with confidence, knowing their facility has the procedures in place to respect sensitive information.

-Marlene Satter

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