Thursday, July 3, 2003

Fresh ideas in Stress Management

Fresh ideas in Stress Management

(PRWEB) June 23, 2000

Unless you are some kind of "transcendental guru" sitting atop a hillside somewhere, it is likely that your life contains too much stress. Stress is not just "in your head" and although there are lifestyle and decision making factors which likely contribute to the problem, the rest of the iceberg is there, underneath the surface waiting to be faced and dealt with.

I will not bore you with statistics, figures, or management styles for it is not my intention to show you the top portion of the "iceberg of stress", but the unseen, the part which really matters.

Stress is not a naturally ubiquitous condition, there are many groups of people in the world who live virtually stress free lives, such as indigenous or aboriginal people. Sometimes, stress is a result of fear, which in nature can help us to survive. For instance, if a tiger is nipping at our heels, it will make us afraid and stressed, hopefully resulting in a change of behavior to remove our bodies from immediate danger.

Regardless of the "external" pressures which stress us, or the top 10% half of the iceberg, I am writing about the "internal" pressures which is the true stress causing culprit which can make life unbearable. Stress is often defined as "force, pressure, or strain", a condition which is generally abnormal in the human body. Stress could also be defined as "excessive workload".

The human body is designed to ingest nutrients and eliminate waste. It needs nutrients in order to function and it must constantly gather and eliminate waste in order to function efficiently. (imagine how difficult it would be to walk around in your kitchen after a month or two if you never took out the trash)

With this in mind, then, you can see that the more nutrients one consumes and the less waste one consumes or is exposed to, the easier it will be for their body to function. Easy = low stress.

If one eats a strawberry, it takes the digestive system a certain amount of energy to process that strawberry, and usually a net gain in energy and nutrients for the effort. However, if that same strawberry, is covered with pesticide, now the body not only has to digest the strawberry, but has to work hard to locate, separate (via a mucous quarantine), and eliminate the pesticide as well. Result: Stressed body and lower net gain of nutrition/energy from the strawberry.

Now, if you look at the preceding in a logical manner, it seems obvious that, at the very least, the more pesticides (or other non-desirable substances) that you eat, the harder your body must work to dispose of them. This extra work in turn uses up more of the available energy/nutrients. Thus, the more "non-desirables" you eat, the harder your body must work and the more you have to eat to survive and thus more undesirables to get rid of. Further, the harder your body has to work to eliminate poison, the more stressed it becomes, the more stressed it becomes, the more waste products the body itself creates. Can you see a horrible cycle starting to form here?

The net result of all the added work on your body is, quite simply, known as stress. This kind of stress is always lurking inside your body, slowing you down, impairing your mind, dulling your senses and causing even more stress. Is it any wonder that every so often, your body seems to have some kind of "mucous overload", runny nose, coughing, aching, etc...sometimes referred to as a "cold"?

If you think that there couldnÂ’t be that many harmful things in your current diet and environment, think again...from the formaldehyde in your carpet and couch, to paints, household cleaners and smog. From chlorine in your water to food coloring in your doughnuts, from synthetic vitamins to synthetic sweeteners. From chemicals to make food hard to chemicals to make food soft, from chemicals to give food shelf-life to chemicals to hide mold and rancidity...shall I continue?

In our industrialized society, these non desirable compounds are virtually impossible to avoid, period. However there are yet a myriad of things you can do to lessen your contact and allow your body to catch up on its workload. You might have to give up those blue colored Slurpees from 7-11 for awhile however!

It is essential for a person trying to lighten his internal stress load to realize that even many seemingly "healthy" foods like fruits and vegetables can be quite difficult to digest. Take apples for instance, as good as they may taste, they are virtually enzyme free due to genetic engineering. It takes enzymes to properly digest anything. The more enzymes a food has, the easier it is to digest. For anyone interested, a list was compiled by D. R.M. Johnathan Wolf which contains the most agreeable enzyme rich food commonly available.

Another important issue in the cause for internal stress relief is the B-vitamin complex. Perhaps a lot of people are aware of the importance of B vitamins and many take supplements accordingly. However, if you are taking synthetic vitamins, you are more likely adding to your bodyÂ’s stress level rather than helping as your whole body needs whole food, not some Frankenstein laboratory clone. This can be verified not so much impractically through scientific process, but more simply through your own body via foot testing. (similar to reflexology or applied kinesiology)

In addition, not many realize that B vitamins and potassium are a team and must be taken together or they wonÂ’t do much good for your body. Nutritional yeast flakes grown on molasses is an excellent source of B complex and potassium. For the greatest benefit, I recommend you take at least 15 drops twice a day of Potassium/B-Complex extracted from nutritional yeast flakes. By implementing these drops and making some of the dietary changes mentioned and avoiding foods and beverages containing chemical and synthetic additives, I guarantee you will feel your stress level drop!

Ralf Martin & Leilani Maileen

Practitioners of Raphaology Medicine

Http://heavenlyhealingcenter. com/ (http://heavenlyhealingcenter. com/)