Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Cedar Oil Triggers Exodus of Fleas, Mosquitoes, Flies, Chiggers, No-See-Ums, Scorpions, Roaches and Snakes

Cedar Oil Triggers Exodus of Fleas, Mosquitoes, Flies, Chiggers, No-See-Ums, Scorpions, Roaches and Snakes

Chemical companies World wide have retreated in their quest to eradicate insect populations. Entomologists now acknowledge that the pests that make life uncomfortable today are the same arthropod species present thousands of years ago. Have we decreased the population of insects? Not hardly claims Dave Glassel, purveyor of Texas Cedar Oil based insect repellent inventions. Quite to the contrary. The synthetic chemicals we exposed insects to the last 60 years only made them and their offspring immune from treatment. Insect control cannot be measured by mortality. It must be based on avoidance. The only thing that the Chemical treatments promoted was life threatening disease in our pets and ourselves. It is impossible to eradicate a insect population with out destroying man kind.

Spring, TX (PRWEB) April 28, 2006

Dave Glassel, Founder and CEO of CedarCide Industries Inc, a Woodlands Texas based provider of active ingredients to the Wood, Plastics, Agricultural, Animal Health and Insect Control industry recently announced the introduction of four new Cedar Oil based products. In a recent interview Glassel was asked why cedar oil.

His answer was stunningly simple. Because it works. It worked for the Egyptians thousand of years ago when they used Cedar Oil from the Cedars Of Lebanon to mummify the bodies of the dead they placed in Cedar lined tombs. Ever see a bug in a Cedar Chest? Our forefathers in England rolled the the wool linens in Cedar sawdust to insure they made the trip from the Old World all the way to California. Glassel, a native farm boy from St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin told of his Father and Grandfather searching the woods for Cedar Trees when he was young. Dad and Grandad sawed the trees up into dust and used it to keep the flies of the milk cows in the Dairy barn. I don't recall a fly in the milking stalls after we spread the Cedar dust Glassel said. I don't think that was really rocket science. Cedar oil has a aroma that insects cannot tolerate. It disrupts their pheromone system.

Since 1992 CedarCide Industries has been formulating new and innovative products using Cedar Oil as the active ingredient. It is a dynamic essential oil and the use for Cedar Oil is expanding quickly. In the last year CedarCide Industries has developed several disruptive technology products that will revolutionize the Insect Control and Wood Preservation Industry. The companies alignment with the Dow Corning Company of Midland, Michigan has proven to be a priceless contributor to the new technology we are exploring said Glassel. Dow Corning is the Worlds leader in the production of Silicon products. Who would have ever thought that a derivative of Quartz, the second most abundant natural resource in the world, in concert with the extract of a JUNK tree could make magic in the World of Organics. All of our inventions are considered Natural and are non toxic. Recently we were successful in the encapsulation of Cedar Oil with Silicone components to provide a time release of the Cedar Aromas. The aroma of Cedar to an insect is the same as that of Amonia to a human. When one is exposed, it is time to move on. Our biggest breakthrough came just days ago Glassel claims. We were successful in internally modifying the structure of Cedar Oil to make it miscible with water. The result was the formulation of Pest Control Operator PCO products, Animal Health products for Vetinary Supply, Misting System solution, and a Cedar Oil solution that can be injected into the Irrigation Systems of millions of homes around the World to provide backyard West Nile Virus Mosquito protection at a minimum cost. The most frequent response from the industry Glassel claims is "Why didn't I think of that"

For a in depth review of the innovative products offered by CedarCide Industries visit their website and CedarCide Store at www. cedarcide. com. Contact or phone 1 800 842 1464 for additional information.
