Monday, December 15, 2003

New Total Wellness Cleanse Helps People Lose Weight and Cleanse Their Body of Deadly Toxins Just in Time For The Holidays!

New Total Wellness Cleanse Helps People Lose Weight and Cleanse Their Body of Deadly Toxins Just in Time For The Holidays!

The new 30-day holistic Total Wellness Cleanse™ becomes first full body and colon cleanse program to offer daily support and a personalized diet and lifestyle plan to lose weight, enjoy a more energetic and radiant body, and reach one's New Year's health resolutions - and without deprivation or gimmicky detox pills! Incredible holiday savings of up to 70% off the regular price of the cleanse ends this Saturday December 20, 2008 and is limited to only 200 motivated individuals who are looking to make 2009 their best year ever

Toronto, ON (PRWEB) December 16, 2008

Losing weight, eating healthier, overcoming holiday excess, and kick-starting the New Year fitter and healthier than ever is now possible thanks to the brand new Total Wellness Cleanse (http://www. totalwellnesscleanse. com/register. html)™.

Developed and lead by Total Wellness Consulting's renowned holistic nutritionists and wellness coaches, Yuri Elkaim and Amy Coates, the Total Wellness Cleanse™ is the only 30-day cleanse (http://www. totalwellnesscleanse. com/register. html) program to offer each member a highly-informative, food-based holistic approach to cleansing and detoxification (http://www. totalwellnesscleanse. com/register. html), daily support via phone and email, a personalized nutritional and lifestyle assessment, a customized 8-week dietary and lifestyle plan, a 12-week guided fitness program, and individual "one-on-one" coaching.

"January is the time when everyone wants to rid their bodies of the excess (food and alcohol) from the holidays and lose weight but the problem is that most people don't know how. Some people turn to quick-fix supplements or generic colon cleanse programs to lose weight and get healthy but they quickly fall off course because these avenues are most often too unrealistic and don't provide them with what's most important - the education, support, and personalized attention we all need to succeed in the long term. A little nutritional education and individual attention goes a long way, and we provide a lot!" says Elkaim.

Cleansing is an essential component to overall health. It helps remove toxins and acid accumulation from the liver, colon, and fat cells, and gives the body a "break" from constant stressors. A "master" cleanse should provide the nutritional support necessary to repair and heal the body's vital organs (liver, colon, kidneys, etc...), which are normally bombarded by a poor diet and lifestyle choices.

We cleanse for health, vitality, rejuvenation, and to help the body clear symptoms, treat disease, and prevent future problems. Cleansing is also valuable in helping us lose weight (http://www. totalwellnesscleanse. com/register. html), although this is not the primary purpose.

Yet, many people believe that a one-time colon cleanse (http://www. totalwellnesscleanse. com/register. html), colonix, or even doing the master cleanse will solve their health issues and help them lose weight. However, the reality is that without improving dietary and lifestyle habits, it is very difficult to lose weight and look and feel healthier in the long run. The body needs to be healed from the inside out and, thus, healthier eating and diet habits need to be formed for long-term success.

"Our goal is to provide participants with an experience that will change their body, their health, and their lives in a safe, effective, and highly supportive manner. Our holistic cleanse attends to the physical, emotional, and psychological elements of losing weight, health and overall well-being and teaches participants how to follow a healthy diet for life", adds Elkaim. "And since the cleanse is conducted on a "virtual" platform (Web, email, teleclasses, phone), there is no need for participants to travel to meetings or support groups since they can access all the information and support from the comfort of their own home. This allows us to provide a more personalized and thorough health transformation for people anywhere around the world."

The Total Wellness Cleanse™ runs from January 2 to January 31, 2009 and, because of its highly service-oriented approach, can only accommodate 200 motivated participants. Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis and special holiday pricing ends this Saturday December 20, 2008 or when the 200-person capacity has been reached - whichever is first.

As a special holiday gift, registrants can save up to 70% off the regular price when they register for this highly anticipated cleanse today! To secure a spot in the Total Wellness Cleanse™, hurry over to http://www. TotalWellnessCleanse. com/register. html (http://www. TotalWellnessCleanse. com/register. html)].
