Saturday, July 10, 2004

SnowBirdClassifieds. com -- Online Service for Seasonal Southern Residents and Area Vendors to Post Ads & Announcements: Unlimited Free Posting

SnowBirdClassifieds. com -- Online Service for Seasonal Southern Residents and Area Vendors to Post Ads & Announcements: Unlimited Free Posting

SnowBirdClassifieds. com -- seasonal jobs, local area events, restaurants, personals, healthcare: medical & dental, for sale: new/used cars & trucks, for sale: boats & boating equipment, RVs: for sale -- new & used, RVs: RV parks & campgrounds. Website sponsored by Snowbird Beaches, LLC.

Daphne, AL (PRWEB) April 12, 2007

Snowbird Beaches, LLC, today announced their sponsorship of SnowbirdClassifieds. com, a free clearinghouse for online sellers of goods and services, with an emphasis on serving seasonal snowbird residents.

The website (www. SnowbirdClassifieds. com) also provides a place for snowbirds to share information on topics like special events at popular destinations, local snowbird clubs and support groups, as well as personals. They may even meet other people with similar interests.

The interface is easy to use: users of Snowbird Classifieds only have to submit a valid email address, click the confirmation email sent to that address, and instantly they may start posting listings in a myriad of categories, which currently include:
Local Snowbird Clubs Seasonal Jobs Local Area Events Restaurants Entertainment: Area Attractions Personals Healthcare: Medical & Dental For Sale: New/Used Cars & Trucks For Sale: Boats & Boating Equipment RVs: for Sale - New & Used RVs: RV Parks & Campgrounds

There is no membership fee, nor do any advertisements appear on the site beyond those posted by members.

Director of Operations for Snowbird Beaches, LLC, Sean Beckham, explains that the idea of giving vacationers an online meeting place with no strings attached was a natural evolution from the company's previous efforts.

"We strive to provide worldwide advertising for rentals all over the country," Beckham said. "Many of our property owners and Snowbirds looking for a vacation property have lacked a way to directly communicate with and target others just like them. We are looking forward to giving them exactly that at no charge."

In the spirit of letting users decide the content of Snowbird Classifieds, the site currently supports an automated system of account verification, entry submission and inquiries. Users are also allowed to submit ratings on listed items and are encouraged to flag any content they deem inappropriate for the site.

Current listings at Snowbird Classifieds include the full range of categories one might expect to find in a traditional newspaper classified section. Automobile and boat sales, community events, jobs and personal ads are just a few of the available categories.

Beckham said he hopes both vacationers and rental owners benefit from the new website. "At our commercial site, we were hearing a wide variety of requests and inquiries, which clued us in to the fact that there was no central location for information on Snowbird club meetings. Now, even recruiting new Snowbird Club members can become easier," Beckham said.

Beckham added that Snowbirds have a special need to share information on local events, attractions and group activities. "When a Snowbird comes to town," Beckham said, "the fact is that they are often venturing into unfamiliar territory. Knowledge is power in a situation like that and arming our members with that knowledge gives them the best opportunity to enjoy their stay and to visit again soon."

Snowbird Beaches, LLC, was first established in 2002 with www. SnowBirdCondo. com and has grown to include numerous websites now known as the Snowbird Network. They are now a leading outlet for advertising vacation rentals in the most popular locales across the United States.
