Thursday, March 17, 2005



Ask any doctor what their patients' most common complaint is, and chances are they will say, "Lack of energy." In today's fast-paced world, people need more energy than ever. The problem is, they won't get it from the food they eat, or even the vitamin pills they take.

(PRWEB) February 19, 2003

Seasilver Eliminates the Need For All Other Vitamins and Mineral Supplements, Herbal Remedies and Antioxidants

Craig, CO--Ask any doctor what their patients' most common complaint is, and chances are they will say, "Lack of energy." In today's fast-paced world, people need more energy than ever. The problem is, they won't get it from the food they eat, or even the vitamin pills they take.

Even those who think they are eating a healthy diet often suffer from fatigue, sluggishness and lack of energy. Why? Because the foods we eat are either over processed to the point that all the vitamins and minerals are eliminated, or they are grown in nutritionally depleted soils. Chemical fertilization and depleted soils have left even the most nutritious foods with just a fraction of the nutrients they contained fifty years ago.

So if we can't get our essential vitamins and nutrients from even the healthiest diet, where do we turn? Most people attempt to make up for their nutritionally-challenged diet with a healthy dose of vitamin pills. But these vitamins are doing far less good than people know, and they may even be causing serious harm to the body. Vitamin pills are manufactured with chemical binders which are difficult for the body to break down. Consequently, only about 10% of the good stuff from vitamins is absorbed. The rest simply passes through the body.

Although diet and vitamin pills don't hold the answer to the nation's lack-of-energy crisis, there is one product which can provide all the vitamins and nutrients the body needs, as well as boost energy in just 15 seconds.

Seasilver is a revolutionary "all foods" nutritional supplement, literally containing every vitamin, mineral, amino acid and enzyme known to benefit the human body. This all-natural product has no man-made properties. Because it is half the thickness of water and thinner than blood, it has a 98% absorption rate, compared to the 10% absorption rate of vitamin pills.

According to medical doctors, osteopaths, chiropractors and naturopathic physicians worldwide, optimum health depends on seven basic steps: balancing, cleansing, purifying, nourishing, oxygenating, protecting and strengthening. Seasilver does all this and more, balancing the body's chemistry, cleansing the vital organs purifying the blood and lymphatic system, nourishing the body at a cellular level, oxygenating the cells, protecting tissues and cells and strengthening the immune system.

According to Dr. Anthony M. Murphy, a naturopathic physician and internationally recognized iridologist and radiologist, "Seasilver produces more health benefits in record time. With Seasilver it is no longer necessary to take any other vitamin and mineral supplements, herbal remedies. or costly antioxidants."

Seasilver users boast phenomenal results. Dorothy Petrini, a 70 year old advocate of Seasilver, says, "After taking Seasilver for less than a week, my memory is better, my eyesight is better. Before, I could hardly walk. Now I never sit down."

To try Seasilver "Risk Free" call 866-201-3536. For more information about the incredible benefits of Seasilver, contact Kelly Davidson by phone at 970-824-3744, or email to kelly@positivesuccess. com. You can also visit the website at http://www. positivesuccess. com/health (http://www. positivesuccess. com/health)
