Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Newborn Lifesaving Legislation Gets Boost from Miracle Blanket

Newborn Lifesaving Legislation Gets Boost from Miracle Blanket

With hopes of encouraging a future where tragic infant deaths can be prevented, the maker of the Miracle Blanket®--the leading newborn swaddling blanket--uses its marketing muscle with consumers to rally support of lifesaving legislation. This groundbreaking bill, "Preventing Stillbirth and Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Act of 2008", will enhance public health activities related to understanding and preventing stillbirth and sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUID) with the creation of national registry among other things.

Medford, OR (PRWEB) August 7, 2008

With more than 25,000 infants in the United States experiencing stillbirth and roughly 4,500 babies dying as a result of Sudden Unexpected Infant Death each year, AMB Enterprises -- maker of the Miracle Blanket® -- is pleased to announce its firm support of the recently introduced "Preventing Stillbirth and Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Act of 2008". The legislation will enhance public health activities related to understanding and preventing stillbirth and sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUID) with the creation of national registry among other things.

"Because of our close work with new parents and infants, and our dedication to enriching their experience together during the first few months of life, we are so very close to the realities of these heartbreaking events," says Miracle Blanket creator/founder Michael Gatten. "We applaud the introduction of this groundbreaking bill with hopes that it will encourage a future where these tragic deaths can be prevented."

At a time when there are no uniform or streamlined processes in place to aid prevention efforts, the bill's creation of a national registry for both stillbirth and SUID would aid in the understanding of the root causes, rates and trends of such deaths.

As the creator of the world's most pediatrician-recommended swaddling blanket, which encourages back sleeping and calms fussy/colicky infants, AMB Enterprises aims to effect change by expanding education and support of this bill through the leveraging of its consumer relationships. AMB Enterprises is urging its customers to contact their Senators to advocate their backing of this valuable legislation as a cosponsor.

"I cried when I received your newsletter encouraging support of this bill," wrote Chantel Jullie, who lost her own child at 40 weeks due to a cord issue. "His death could have been prevented. Thanks to research being done we were monitored heavily during my second pregnancy, where I almost lost our daughter to a cord issue, but luckily she was born alive and well at 35 weeks."

Another bill giving hope to a future where these deaths can be prevented is the Stillbirth Awareness and Research Act of 2008 (H. R. 5979) as introduced by Congressman Peter King of New York. AMB Enterprises is encouraging its consumers to take action in support of this legislation as well.

"Every U. S. Senator has a web form where you can easily contact them directly," says Gatten, whose company website has a link available. "Supporting this kind of legislation is very important to us. Please, contact your Senators and let them know that they need to help save the lives of these infants." 

The following organizations are also backing this legislation: American SIDS Institute, American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on SIDS, Babykick Alliance, First Candle, Global Alliance for the Prevention of Prematurity and Still Birth - Seattle Children's Hospital, Healthy BIRTH Day, International Stillbirth Alliance, Iowa Stillbirth Mothers, National Center for Cultural Competence - Georgetown University, National Stillbirth Society, March of Dimes, and the MISS Foundation.

The makers of the Miracle Blanket are dedicated to enriching the experience of new parents and infants during the first few months of life together by providing the ultimate tool for encouraging a healthy sleep environment.

AMB Enterprises, parent company of Miracle Gear™, is based in Medford, Oregon. Michael D. Gatten formed the company in early 2002 to produce and distribute the Miracle Blanket®. Primary distribution is via the Internet, as well as through pediatric offices, maternity wards, boutiques and select childcare professionals. Sales have spread throughout the United States, United Kingdom, South Africa, Switzerland, Canada, Korea, Australia, New Zealand and Germany as well as in Japan, and the Philippines on U. S. military bases.
