Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Sussex Sound Therapy Expert to Hold Awareness Event

Sussex Sound Therapy Expert to Hold Awareness Event

One of the country’s leading pioneers in Sound Therapy is planning a special event at the University of Chichester so people can get a taste of the life-changing and healing benefits of sound therapy and help mark her academy’s tenth birthday.

(PRWeb UK) May 19, 2010

One of the country’s leading pioneers in Sound Therapy is planning a special event at the University of Chichester so people can get a taste of the life-changing and healing benefits of sound therapy and help mark her academy’s tenth birthday.

Founder of Soundworks and the British Academy of Sound Therapy Lyz Cooper, from Chichester, is inviting people to experience ‘sound baths’, ‘sonic massages’ and ‘sonic hot chocolate’ during the course on 5 June which will culminate in a ‘sonic boom’ using instruments such as Himalayan bowls, crystal bowls, gongs and drums.

Lyz, who is also a tutor and author, said: “Most people can relate to a piece of music being relaxing or energising. In a sound therapy treatment we play a combination of ancient and modern instruments to gently relax or stimulate the energy system, rather like an acupuncturist but with sound instead of needles! This technique may sound strange, but the methodology is supported by the latest cutting edge science”.

“Over the years, many of our clients have made life-changing recoveries from their symptoms. We have worked with individuals with fertility issues, chronic pain, cancer, stress-related illnesses, IBS, ME, tinnitus, mild depression, anxiety, arthritis and so much more. Whether people have a regular ‘tune up’ or relaxation session, or have a chronic long-term illness, sound could help people to enjoy a better quality of life.”

Some of Lyz’s students have had amazing results which have included a woman who was suffering with cancer being able to walk around the supermarket for the first time in years and helping a man with a paralysed arm regain mobility.

“One in five Britons are now using complementary therapies and alternative medicines, but the benefits of sound are still relatively unknown in this country. In Germany and the US, it is much more widely used. I’m now really keen to make as many people as possible aware of the power of sound therapy.

“We also need more people around the UK to train as professional sound therapists so we can offer help to people who need it as demand for the service grows,” Lyz explained.

The ‘Sonic Boom’ event takes place on 5 June at the University of Chichester, Bognor Campus. For more information go to www. healthysound. com

Lyz is also celebrating winning a national award from the Institute for Complementary and Natural Medicine that recognises complementary medicine practitioners for their achievements and for raising the profile of complementary medicine. Soundworks and BAST won the Best Complementary Medicine Company category. http://www. i-c-m. org. uk/news/ICNMAwards (http://www. i-c-m. org. uk/news/ICNMAwards)

Notes to editors:
Journalists are welcome to attend the event and experience sound therapy. For more information or to request an interview, please contact Suzi Christie on 01435 830031 For a taster go to http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=3-cnMyvg8QA&feature=channel (http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=3-cnMyvg8QA&feature=channel)

High res image can be downloaded from: www. clickintopr. com/editors/articleDetail. asp? pjID=586 (http://www. clickintopr. com/editors/articleDetail. asp? pjID=586)

About Lyz
Lyz has been working in the complementary health arena since 1981 and has studied many aspects of this field. She has been teaching since 1992 within both mainstream and private adult education. In 2004 she graduated from University with a Certificate in Education (Cert. Ed) and is now taking a Masters’ Degree in Education - researching the effectiveness of sound on learning ability, social skills and the immune system.

In 1995 she began researching sound therapy and developed an effective technique for improving health and well-being. Her work has produced excellent results and received very positive support in the UK and overseas. Lyz became the first qualified sound practitioner in the UK to be recognised by the Institute for Complementary and Natural Medicine (ICNM).

In 2000, Lyz formed the first sound therapy training establishment in the UK to offer aprofessional qualification in sound therapy. She is a consultant to the ICNM and a member of the British General Council of Complementary Practitioners, an organisation formed to represent the complex profession of complementary medicine through elected and appointed representatives.

Lyz gives performances and runs talks, workshops and presentations in the UK and overseas. She has also composed two CD's - Chakra Balance and Crystal and Stone – and performs with her group, Soundscapes, in wonderful locations such as Stonehenge. In June 2006 Soundscapes released their first CD Emergence which has received excellent reviews. 

Lyz’s book, ‘Sounding the Mind of God’ has received excellent reviews from prominent people in the field of therapeutic sound and science. It is currently being translated into German and will be published in Germany in September 2010.

A few case studies from Lyz
One woman – let’s call her Sky, joined a workshop I was giving. She had broken her back in a car accident, was most of the time in a wheelchair but could also walk short distances with a frame. After a five minute sound bath (where I walked around the group playing Tibetan bowls) she remarked she was amazed to find the feeling was coming back in her toes for the first time since the accident.

Another woman - Jill, had damaged two vertebrae in her spine when someone fell on her going down stairs. She now had a metal plate in her lumbar region keeping everything together. This gave her a lot of pain and was very uncomfortable most of the time. After the first session she wrote me a letter:

"Thank you so much for your wonderful treatment. I must admit, when you first came, I was unsure as to how this [sound therapy] could help me. After I saw you I slept like a baby, and surprised my husband when I literally sprang out of bed the following morning (as opposed to rolling onto my side before bringing my feet gingerly to the floor). I then cleaned and dusted, and even walked the few hundred yards to the corner shop. I have been floating in a cloud of painless and relaxed bliss for a few days now, and wanted to write to tell you how much better I feel, thank you so much."

Jill had two more treatments, one week apart and cancelled an operation she had booked. She no longer requires treatment and her doctor is very pleased with her progress.

Sound releases imbalances, not only on a physical, but also an emotional level. Many people I have treated over the years have had tears or felt, anger, fear, love and laughter during a session. I see all emotional releases as positive, and often it is just what a client needs.
