Thursday, July 6, 2006

Magic Wiggler Worm Ranch in Raymond, MS lands historical 6,600 pound worm sale with Mexico!

Magic Wiggler Worm Ranch in Raymond, MS lands historical 6,600 pound worm sale with Mexico!

There are many benefits in using earthworms for human, animal & environmental health. Worms are Mother Nature's natural recyclers. Vermiculture will become even more important in sustaining soil, animal & human health.

(PRWEB) December 6, 2003

Magic Wiggler Worm Ranch lands historical 6,600 pound worm sale! This is one of the largest single exports of worms from the U. S. to another country. Magic Wiggler was chosen from over 100 companies to supply the worms needed for a massive new project, which is big news in Mexico & other countries. A Mexican company is launching one of the largest projects ever, using red worms to process organic residues (leaves, stems and spoiled fruits) from tomato & red pepper plants. Dr. Mario Carrera has been contracted to plan & manage this innovative process. The worms will recycle several tons of organic matter per day. These magical little creatures transform all types of waste (human, animal, aquatic & natural), into healthier products, which can positively impact every area of our planetÂ’s lifeline, including human health:

1) Worm Humus – (worm castings) one of the best natural fertilizer for all agricultural industries: flowers & plants; field crops; pastures; etc.

2) Worm Tea (liquid humus) – a natural liquid form of fertilizer. It can be sprayed directly on all kinds of plants to provide the growing nutrients they need to grow stronger, more vibrant & produce higher yeilds.

3) Worm Flour –

(a) An excellent source of nutrients for humans to aid in the areas of vitality functions, muscles, skin, obesity, hypertension, etc.

(b) Beneficial in all livestock feeds (horses, chickens, cows, fish, shrimp, etc.), because it is richer in nutrients, with 70% more proteins, amino acids (20% to 24%) & vitamins (all B and others) than the commonly used fish flour.

Dr. Carrera states, “With vermiculture, we can obtain a successful organic urban agriculture & avoid the current environmental contamination!”

Dr. Mario Carrera, an expert vermiculturalist, is listed in the FAO’s (United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization) “Roster of Experts” in Rome. As an expert, he has conducted extensive research, taught university courses & is a UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization) counselor in Vermiculture. He has opened the door for Mississippi to enter this global market, which is gaining worldwide momentum. Vermiculture is currently being recognized for its potential to create an avenue to combat world hunger & increase health in plants, animals & humans.

Magic Wiggler Worm Ranch is holding a Press Conference at the Isle of Capri Hotel & Casino to sign this historical contract. After the signing, Dr. Carrera will be available to the media & any other interested parties who want to learn more about how vermiculture can take the world by storm. He will also explain the hazards (to humans, animals & environment) of spraying raw animal manures in open fields, which the legislature currently allows. Dr. Carrera will explain how his research can help worm farmers, as well as the positive impact worms, their castings & other by-products can have on the entire agricultural industry.

Chemical over-use comepletely destroys the land's ability to naturally reproduce (without adding more chemicals) & is believed to be a contributing factor to the increase in many major health problems caused by insufficient nutrition. Earthworms have naturally & efficiently recycled our planet for millions of years, according to a recent report on the Discovery Channel. Man-made chemicals are NOT natural & do not REPAIR damaged soil. They are only an annual quick fix & each year cause even more damage. Mother Nature usually gets a bad rap, but she has given us a miraculous little creature in the red wiggler earthworm!

Media Conference:

Date: Friday, December 5, 2003

Time: 1:00 p. m.

Place: Isle of Capri Hotel & Casino

  3990 Washington Street

  Vicksburg, MS 39180

Phone & Fax: (601) 885-6096 (Magic Wiggler Worm Ranch)

Email: Sales@magicwiggler. com

Website: http://www. magicwiggler. com (http://www. magicwiggler. com)

No Response Required! If you would like to confirm your attendance, please contact Marie Bateman by phone, email or fax, no later than 11:30 a. m. Friday.

Please mention that Press Conference Facilities & Beverages are/were provided by the Isle of Capri Hotel & Casino in Vicksburg!
