Friday, November 17, 2006

Sleep With the Experts Webinar Series Starts July 1, 2009

Sleep With the Experts Webinar Series Starts July 1, 2009

The Bob, Carol, Ted and Alice of Natural Sleep. Free Webinar series on Natural Solutions for Insomnia, commencing July 1, 2009. World experts speak on the following topics: food additives and colorings that keep you awake, and wake you early in the morning. Repatterning neural pathways for sleep. How to use Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to overcome anxiety. How to recognise and remove emotional holding patterns that keep you awake. Seratonin and melatonin. Solutions to stress. How to choose music for brain entrainment, deep listening, mind over pain. Emotional Freedom Technique to help you sleep.

Sydney, NSW (PRWEB) June 25, 2009

Are you finding it more difficult lately to fall asleep and stay asleep? Is your stress level the only thing trending up in the bear market? Are you sick and tired of reading about how not drinking coffee is going to solve the problem? Things only getting worse when you read that lack of sleep is effecting your weight, health, liver, heart, cancer, diabetes, depression, anxiety, blood pressure, life span? No wonder we can't sleep.

The use of sleeping pills is controversial, because they're addictive, less effective over time, cause grogginess in the morning, are blamed for some rather bizarre behaviours, are associated with anterograde amnesia, reduce the time it takes to fall asleep by 12.8 minutes compared with fake pills, and increase our sleep time by a rather pathetic 11.4 minutes. In fact, one controversial sleeping pill was the number 1 drug reported to the Adverse Medicine Events Line between September 2007 and February 2009.

Unfortunately, until now, the "natural solutions" have been limited to unpalatable herbs or teas that work for only a limited number of people. In response to this situation, Elizabeth Shannon of Sleepless No More has organised the "Sleep With The Experts" webinar series.

"Everything I've seen lately on sleep has been so negative, it just makes insomniacs more anxious and stressed, worrying about how their health is being affected", Shannon says. "So I've assembled a group of solution-based experts to finally put an end to the noise on insomnia." "It's practically based, and we'll have a bit of fun too", Shannon laughs.

The hour-long webinars will be held weekly on Wednesday nights at 7 pm, commencing July 1. This first series (of approximately 8 webinars) will be free to attend via the internet.

The webinar series will commence with the following experts:

Sue Dengate - Sue Dengate is a psychology graduate and author of the bestselling Fed Up series. Focused on the effects of food chemicals on children's behaviour, health and learning ability, her groundbreaking study on the behavioural effects of a common bread preservative was published in a medical journal in 2002. Together with her husband Dr Howard Dengate, a food scientist, they run the Food Intolerance Network. Dengate was nominated for Australian of the Year in 2005 and 2006.

Andrew Verity - Verity has integrated 35 years of practical experience in a wide range of healing modalities into his international Neuro-training group. He was president of IASK (International Association of Specialized Kinesiologists) for 6 years, and surprisingly has a very simple approach to many aspects of sleep disorders.

Nic Lucas - Practicing osteopath, international lecturer, medical journal founder and editor, presently lecturing at the University of Western Sydney while doing his doctorate. Lucas will talk about how he used Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) to relieve his anxiety disorder.

Domenica Papalia - Pharmacist, researcher, and founder of Your Highest Potential. How emotions effect sleep. Papalia uses non-invasive techniques to recognise the root cause of holding patterns and help people move beyond them.

Angela Sciberras - Therapeutic musician (International Healing Musicians Program USA) and author. How to use rhythm, harmony, melody, brain entrainment and deep listening to bridge the gap between medicine and music.

Geraldine Gallagher - Past president of the NSW Kinesiology Association (5 times), international speaker, and author of the successful programs Creative Nutrition and Essence of Change. Seratonin, melatonin, solutions to stress including essences.

Rod Sherwin - Energy Therapist. Sleep solutions using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or tapping).

And thankfully, with Elizabeth as the moderator no-one will get lost in technical jargon and 'medical-speak'.

To be included in the webinars, which are free (for this first series), provide your name and email address at http://www. sleeplessnomore. com (http://www. sleeplessnomore. com) - and you will be emailed with the webinar registration details closer to the event. (To attend the webinar you need broadband internet access, preferably with an audio USB headset.)
