Friday, June 22, 2007

'Off the Beaten Path' Podcast Explores Divergent Paths of Boomers' Lives

'Off the Beaten Path' Podcast Explores Divergent Paths of Boomers' Lives

Podcast host Lynn Ward, the Thriving After 50 Coach, looks at interesting careers, ideas and life journeys of Baby Boomers. Guests are Nellie Hutchinson, Rev. Don Zanghi, and Patricia Behnke.

St. Augustine, FL (PRWEB) May 12, 2007

Baby boomers are increasingly taking different career and life paths than their parents did. "Off the Beaten Path", on BoomerYak. com, is pleased to feature the story behind the story as we look at boomers with interesting careers, ideas and life journeys.

Featured in May are:

Nellie Hutchison: An entrepreneur located in Loreto, Baja California Sur, Nellie will discuss what to look for when relocating to another country. Nellie's blog, http://whereintheworldisnellie. blogspot. com (http://whereintheworldisnellie. blogspot. com) features her fascinating life and beautiful pictures in Loreto. This show is sponsored by Hoyt Management Group (www. hoytgroup. com) a business consulting firm that is passionate about helping small businesses be successful.

Rev. Don Zanghi: Has been a certified Medium, Teacher, and Ordained Minister for several years. We'll talk about spiritual counseling, spirit mediumship and soul development. Rev. Zanghi's website, at http://www. revdonzanghi. com (http://www. revdonzanghi. com), is very informative. Rebecca Marina's Celebration Healing (www. CelebrationHealing. com combining the principles of Abraham and Emotional Freedom Techniques) is sponsor for this show.

Patricia C Behnke: Author, speaker, journalist, and seminar leader. We will discuss her current book, Tortoise Stew, found at www. authorsden. com/patriciacbehnke (http://www. authorsden. com/patriciacbehnke ), as well as the real life drama that underlies it and that changed her life dramatically. Our sponsors are Women's Safety Education Group (www. wseg. org) and Dr. Christine Horner (www. drchristinehorner. com) who teaches the keys to extraordinary health.

Women in transition: different women, different stories, but a common theme about mid-life awakenings and claiming new futures for themselves. This show is sponsored by MoodSeer, giving the homeowner control of what music to hear from each room in the home (www. moodseer. com) and by SHEevolves, naturally-good-for-your-skin skin care (www. SHEevolves. com).

All podcasts can be found at http://www. Yaktivate. com (http://www. Yaktivate. com) and at http://www. BoomerYak. com (http://www. BoomerYak. com). Yaktivate. com is a podcast network that features podcast shows on channels that reflect a wide range of topics - from golf to business strategies and beyond. Yaktivate. com is always on the lookout for new podcasting talent and for businesses that are seeking a way to reach their niche marketing audience in a way that builds relationships and keeps the customer coming back.

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