Sunday, November 25, 2007

Move Over Gerber Baby, There's a New Organic Bébé in Town

Move Over Gerber Baby, There's a New Organic Bébé in Town

Introducing a new internet business geared toward helping people find quality organic baby foods and products

Panama City, FL (PRWEB) May 26, 2001

A revolution is taking place in the world today, an organic revolution. Mothers everywhere have decided that only the healthiest and most wholesome foods are good enough for their babies. Organic baby foods are in demand. Unfortunately, supply has not been able to keep up with the growing demand.

Enter Lisa Rae Oshesky. Fueled by her own convictions for Natural Parenting, she began what is now known as Organic Bébé. An Internet “store”, Organic Bébé (www. organicbebe. com) is a place where one can find the best organic and natural products available and have them shipped directly to their home or business.

Organic Bébé is a distributor for Earth’s Best organic baby food. Named “best-tasting baby food” by Woman’s World Magazine in April 2001, Earth’s Best is fast becoming a household name. It is the largest full line of certified organic baby food in mass distribution today. Lisa Rae has fed Earth’s Best to all three of her Children and was dismayed to find the complete line unavailable in most stores. As she spoke with other parents she heard similar complaints. “We offer the complete Earth’s Best baby food line delivered to your front door step,” explains Lisa Rae.

Baby food is not he only natural product available from Organic Bébé. They offer a cornucopia of products for the health conscience consumer. Everything from top quality cloth diapers and natural skin care to Baby Joggers and Co-Sleepers are available. Not only is the selection diverse, the convenience of home shopping is a big plus for busy moms. It is Lisa Rae’s desire to provide the products one would need to have a complete natural nursery. 

Organic Bébé is thrilled to offer quality products and is committed to high standards and customer satisfaction. Who knows, perhaps Organic Bébé will change the way you shop. Viva La Revolution

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