Monday, November 19, 2007

Why are People Suddenly Spitting Into Glasses of Water?

Why are People Suddenly Spitting Into Glasses of Water?

By some estimates up to 80% of the people in the US and Canada are suffering from the affects of Candida and Yeast Infections. Taking this simple test can tell if you too are potentially suffering from these conditions.

(PRWEB) April 12, 2005

If you get up one morning and suddenly see your significant other spitting into a glass full of water and wonder what the heck is going on, donÂ’t head for the hills. ItÂ’s more than likely theyÂ’re using a simple diagnostic tool to see if they have a yeast infection.

Yeast infections, better known as Candida are running rampant in this county. And it isnÂ’t just in women, but surprise-surprise, men too are suffering from this miserable condition.

The infection is caused by a group of microscopic fungi or yeast which is present mostly in our gastrointestinal tracts. When our immunity is strong and we have healthy conditions in our bodies, the yeasts are beneficial to us and go about their business. But when something triggers those conditions the yeast changes characteristics, mutate so to speak and become harmful to us.

And do they love us? You bet they do. Our bodies provide a nice, warm, moist condition where the yeasts can put their feet up and breed at our expense. Before we know we have squatters in our bodies. The squatters throw a party, invite their friends over and we end up becoming hosts to many unpleasant symptoms as they leave their litter around.

Those symptoms include digestive disorders, skin problems, ugly nail bed infections, thrush, vaginal infections and even chronic fatigue to name a few.

The sad thing is, many people donÂ’t even know they have a yeast infection, they only know they feel awful and cannot pinpoint what is causing it.

Yeast infections are treatable. There are several products on the market that can help combat them. One such product Threelac, was formulated by a pharmaceutical company in Japan. It is now available in the U. S. and is having surprising results. The secret to Threelac is two-fold. The product has been microencapsulated to bypass the stomach acid so it gets to work in the intestines to address the bad yeast. Beside its protective properties, Threelac has the ability to repopulate the intestines with good bacteria thereby keeping the bad in check.

Yeasts re always going to be a part of our internal and external environment. ItÂ’s a fact of life. So what do we do to find out if we have a yeast infection?

It all starts with first knowing you have the condition, and the easiest way to find out is to make the most of the simple diagnostic tool called the “spit test”. To find out how to correctly do the “spit test,” and yes there is a correct way to do it, just go to http://www. threemax. biz (http://www. threemax. biz) and click on the “Spit Test” link or send for free information by writing to “Spit Test”, 834 South Union Street, Olean, NY 14760. It’s painless, simple and accurate. There is no reason to walk around with your body being attacked by toxins generated by a yeast infection.
