Saturday, January 10, 2009

Forget New Year's Resolutions ... Make a Plan Instead

Forget New Year's Resolutions... Make a Plan Instead

Life Coach Donna Steinhorn says resolutions are broken more than honored. Taking charge of one's life with an action plan makes more sense.

Rumson, NJ (PRWEB) January 2, 2006

Traditionally, December is a time when people look back at the year to assess how they have done, and set New Year’s Resolutions for the next year. Often, those resolutions are broken before the end of the first New Year day. Donna Steinhorn, Executive and Life Coach says this is “because all too often New Year’s Resolutions are wishes or, worse yet, 'shoulds'. People resolve that this year rhwy will lose 20 nicer to their in-laws...exercise more...double their business...not get stressed. All great ideas, but if they haven’t been able to accomplish those resolutions for the last ten years they have resolved them, how will 2006 be different? By literally following the cliché “Today is the first day of the rest of your life” and living each day, each year, to the fullest.”

Steinhorn says, everyone has moments when their mortality comes crashing down on them like Queen Latifah's character in the movie Last Holiday, when she's told she has three weeks to live. Then and there she vows that she's going to live the rest of her life to the fullest. A health scare often makes people vow to be different once things are fine, the death or illness of someone close to them also gives them momentary pause. But all too often, people revert back to their existing patterns and go back to their status-quo lives.

She continues by saying that people “need to stop to think about it. Most people live their lives as if they WILL live forever. They squander their time and their skills. They live life by default...just getting by, getting through the day.” Her recommendation is for each person to consider how their life would be different if instead, they chose to live life fully every moment? How would that impact their business? Their personal relationships? Would they eat healthier and exercise more? Get more involved in their community? Go on a spiritual quest? What opportunities or interests would they pursue, what risks would they take?

This year, she suggests doing things differently. “Remember the movie Network where the character Howard Beale hangs his head out the window and shouts “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore”? Well I suggest people fling open their doors or windows and shout:

“I’m glad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore!”

Steinhorn recognizes that this kind of change is not easy to do. After all, it means changing the patterns of their lifetime. It's not easy for people to free themselves from negative beliefs, outdated goals and obligations. So how can a person begin taking the steps necessary to set out living their perfect life? She suggests that “it’s time for people to embrace life and toss off all those mental and environmental shackles that are keeping them living lives small, and step out into their new life of their choosing."

While assessing the year just gone by is good, it’s more important for people to assess where their life is right now. People should decide what they currently have in their life (people, physical environment, work, etc.) that works and also what is not currently working for them.

Next, they should play “naked with the checkbook”, and consider how they could design their perfect life, with no restraints. Everyone has a vision of what they’d love their future to look like...but most people don't think big enough. They are afraid to think big, because there’s a nagging little voice that says “don’t dream big, it will just bring disappointment. It’s time for people to silence that voice by bringing their negative beliefs into the light, and dispelling them. Because there is no reason...repeat no reason...that anyone can’t have a future that’s exciting, fulfilling and of their own choosing. Steinhorn suggests that people begin by creating a life plan, which she offers at no cost to clients and subscribers of her no-cost online newsletter. She recommends that this year, instead of creating New Year's Resolutions...people should create their dream life plan...and go for it!

As an Executive, Life and Mentor Coach, Donna coaches Executives, Coaches, High Profile Individuals and Entrepreneurs, and has over 30 years of corporate and business experience. She is President of Coaching to Success (www. coachingtosuccess. com) and co-founder of the Association for Coaching Excellence. (www. associationforcoachingexcellence. com)

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