Sunday, March 29, 2009

Author Provides Information and Hope for Parents of Sexually Abused Children

Author Provides Information and Hope for Parents of Sexually Abused Children

Children are usually sexually abused by someone they know and trust. In "Shattered Reality," one parent reveals how a family member sexually abused her daughter, and how families can heal from abuse.

St. Louis, MO (PRWEB) October 6, 2008

When her daughter was sexually abused, Kimberly Cheryl had difficulty as the parent and secondary victim finding resources to help her overcome the pain and betrayal she felt. Now she provides hope to others recovering from sexual abuse in her new book "Shattered Reality" (ISBN 9781440404597, CreateSpace, 2008).

The sexual abuse of a child creates a devastating family crisis. Parents need to know how to help their children while still responding to and caring for their own emotional turmoil. Parents must be assured it is normal to feel denial, disbelief, blame and anger, and they need the tools to heal the pain for themselves and their children. Because Kimberly Cheryl had difficulty finding help when sexual abuse threatened her family, she has come forth to tell her own story in "Shattered Reality" so others might have hope.

In her own words, Kimberly Cheryl tells a mother's story about the abuse her daughter experienced and her and her daughter's struggle to overcome the betrayal they encountered. Most shocking to Cheryl was that a family member, an uncle who was like a second parent, abused her daughter. When Cheryl learned of the abuse and brought it into the open, many of her (extended)family members ostracized her. Until then, Cheryl thought she could trust her family. She also thought the legal system supported victims' rights, but when she sought justice, the courts continually dismissed the case, even when she had five witnesses (a witness, 4 other victims) and experts to testify to the abuse. Today, Kimberly Cheryl is still fighting her uncle to attain justice in a civil suit.

Besides telling Cheryl's story, "Shattered Reality" provides facts and statistics about sexual child abuse. Cheryl reveals warning signs that someone may be an abuser, and she reminds us that online predators and strangers are not the ones to fear most--predators typically are friends or family members the parent and child trust. Sexual perpetrators come from all social classes, religions and colors. There is no discrimination in child sexual assault--not in the form of "who perpetrates" and not in the victims.

"Shattered Reality" is a powerful, informative guide for parents, teachers, and counselors. Awareness of sexual abuse must be in the forefront if children are to be safe so this silent epidemic will end. By telling her story as a secondary victim of sexual abuse, Kimberly Cheryl testifies that healing is possible for children and their parents. The book offers healing to many sexual abuse survivors and will help prevent many others from ever undergoing the trauma of sexual abuse.

About the Author
Kimberly Cheryl is a master public speaker, successful salesperson, business owner and author. She is the founder of Executive Defense Technology, an anti-victimization education firm. She actively speaks out for better healthcare in the U. S. and advocates for education on rape/molestation prevention. She is also a Nationally Certified Rape/Aggression/Defense Trainer (RAD) who provides the basics of hands-on defense training to clients ranging from elderly church group members and housewives to employees of law firms and Fortune 500 Corporations.

"Shattered Reality" (ISBN 9781440404597, CreateSpace, 2008) can be purchased through local and online bookstores. For more information, visit http://www. kimberlycheryl. net (http://www. kimberlycheryl. net). Publicity contact: www. ReaderViews. com. Review copies available upon request. Listen to Live interview on Inside Scoop Live http://insidescooplive. com/author-pages/Cheryl-Kimberly-reading-interview. html (http://insidescooplive. com/author-pages/Cheryl-Kimberly-reading-interview. html)
