Saturday, June 20, 2009

Newlyweds and new moms list their top ten questions. We provide some reassuring answers

Newlyweds and new moms list their top ten questions. We provide some reassuring answers.

A must read for every newlywed and expectant mother! http://www. registrymonster. com published the results of this hugely popular survey today. You might be suprised by the results.

(PRWEB) March 16, 2004

Http://www. registrymonster. com

Registrymonster. com, is the premier online registry for both weddings and bridal showers. It is free to add an existing registry, search, or start an entirely new registry. All major stores are included and the entire process takes only a few minutes. Is your registry listed?

Results for surveys are based on responses from visitors to the website in February 2004. Please visit registrymonster. com to participate in the latest surveys.

Top ten concerns for new moms: (see below for newlywed survey)

1. Will my baby be okay?

Every new parent worries about this. Statistics show that less than 2 babies per thousand are affected by SIDS (Sudden infant death syndrome). There are many new products out on the market to further eliminate the risk of SIDS.

2. Can I protect my baby?

New babies are not made of glass. They need to be protected, but at the same time remember that everyone you have ever met was once a baby and somehow made it through.

3. Will my baby develop on schedule?

Most babies develop according to their own internal schedule. There is not an exact time when a baby should start talking or walking so do not start to worry if he or she is not reaching developmental stages exactly when people tell you. Just be sure to keep a dialogue open with your doctor.

4. Does my baby eat enough?

It is hard to measure how much a new baby is consuming. However, as you become more experienced in feedings these feelings of anxiety will diminish.

5. Is my baby crying too much?

Newborns cry. After three or four months this should begin to subside. Keep your doctor informed but also try to get your rest.

6. Is my baby sleeping too little?

Most newborns settle into their regular sleep patterns by the time they reach three to six months. Before then it can be hectic but is most likely normal. Just be sure to keep your doctor appraised.

7. What about my other children?

Give them time. Having a baby is a big change in the family and your other kids will need to adapt. In time they too will love the new baby you have brought into this world.

8. Will life ever be the same?

Maybe not for the first few months. After that the baby will start to sleep through the night and the romance will return. Be sure to set aside quality time with your partner and spend some time each day talking about adult issues and your relationship. It is easy to focus every second on the baby, but you need to devote some quality time to your partner.

9. Can I provide for my child?

Talk to other mothers about how they cut cost. There are many ways to utilize secondhand cloths and shop for bulk food. A more experience mom should have some good pointers for you and may even be able to provide some baby cloths, toys, and supplies.

10. Am I a good parent?

Everyone worries about this. Do your best, spend time with your child and remember to have fun. Kids grow up fast.

Top ten pieces of advice for newlyweds:

1. Be prepared for reality after the honeymoon. Suprise your spouse with a present or fun evening a few days after you get back (maybe open a bottle of wine and look at the honeymoon pictures).

2. Take each other out on dates. Make your love a priority every day.

3. Find new ways to have fun together.

4. Talk about life. What you want, what you need, and how you can achieve it as a team.

5. Be realistic about what you expect from yourself and your partner.

6. Give your new family a chance. Then give them another chance.

7. If real estate is about location, location, location marriage is about compromise, compromise, compromise.

8. Deal with problems as they arise. Do not go to bed angry.

9. Be forgiving and be quick to say I am sorry.

10. Relax. Rome was not built in a day and neither will your marriage.

Please visit http//:www. registrymonster. com and add your existing or new wedding or baby registry to the premier online directory. Works with all major stores. Always free to search and free to build!

This survey and associated press release is designed for entertainment purposes only and does not render medical advice or professional services. The information provided through this news release should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, you should consult your health care provider