Sunday, August 2, 2009

Researcher Says HIV Does Not Cause AIDS

Researcher Says HIV Does Not Cause AIDS

Scientific experts made a serious error when they nearly universally adopted the stance that AIDS is caused by the virus known as HIV.

(PRWEB) September 9, 2001

September 7, 2001


Researcher Says HIV Does Not Cause AIDS

SCHAUMBURG, ILLINOIS - Scientific experts made a serious error when they nearly universally adopted the stance that AIDS is caused by the virus known as HIV.

"Biomedical Science can be quite an unforgiving thing. Make one incorrect assumption and it can lead you so far down the wrong path that it seems almost impossible to find your way back," says Dr. Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati, PhD. "That is exactly the position that we are in today with AIDS research."

"The thought that HIV may not in fact cause AIDS should not be so difficult to grasp, as many of the currently held beliefs of modern medicine are not adequately supported by the scientific evidence," says Dr. Joseph Mercola, Medical Director of the Optimal Wellness Center in Schaumburg, Illinois. "The fact that this topic is so ‘taboo’ that it can’t even be discussed openly, shows the stubborn closed-mindedness of the medical establishment to any ideas that don’t suit them at the moment."

In an article published in the latest edition of Dr. MercolaÂ’s newsletter, Dr. Al-Bayati discusses his ideas about what is really causing the AIDS epidemic, as well as what should be done immediately to help stop it. Dr. Al-BayatiÂ’s entire article, entitled "HIV Does Not Cause AIDS", is posted on his website (www. toxi-health. com).

"AIDS in the industrialized world is caused by the heavy use of corticosteroids and/or cytotoxic drugs used to treat many health problems resulted from the use of illicit drugs by drug addicts and some homosexuals, rather than the innoccuos retrovirus HIV," maintains Dr. Al-Bayati.

"The majority of AIDS patients who participated in the four major AZT clinical trials in the US between 1987-1992 were HIV-negative prior to their treatment with AZT. Briefly, a total of 2,349 patients participated in these studies, and at least 77% of them were HIV-negative prior to treatment," he states.

"In Africa, the disease known as AIDS is caused by severe starvation," he explains.

For Dr. Al-BayatiÂ’s complete article, entitled "HIV Does Not Cause AIDS", see http://www. toxi-health. com/hiv-art. doc (http://www. toxi-health. com/hiv-art. doc) (Microsoft Word document). Those interested in investigating further can pick up his book entitled Get All The Facts: HIV does not cause AIDS (Toxi-Health International, 1999).

Other articles of related interest can be found on Dr. MercolaÂ’s website:

The Real Cause of AIDS by - http://www. mercola. com/2001/jul/11/aids. htm (http://www. mercola. com/2001/jul/11/aids. htm)

Mad Cow Disease/AIDS/Hepatitis C - Infectious or Intoxication Diseases? - http://www. mercola. com/2001/jun/6/aids. htm (http://www. mercola. com/2001/jun/6/aids. htm)

Slow Viruses: The Original Sin Against the Laws of Virology - http://www. mercola. com/2000/dec/31/slow_virus. htm (http://www. mercola. com/2000/dec/31/slow_virus. htm)

For additional information contact:

Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati, PhD, DABT, DABVT, Toxi-Health International, 150 Bloom Drive, Dixon, CA 95620, Phone: 707-678-4484, Email: maalbayati@toxi-health. com, URL: http://www. toxi-health. com (http://www. toxi-health. com)

Joseph Mercola, DO, Medical Director, Optimal Wellness Center, Schaumburg, Illinois, Phone: 847-985-1777, Email: dr@mercola. com, URL: http://www. mercola. com (http://www. mercola. com)
