Friday, May 7, 2010

"3 in 1" Health, Safety & Security Sign

"3 in 1" Health, Safety & Security Sign

A newly developed sign designed to comply in all working environments.

(PRWEB) March 23, 2006

With so many areas of legislation to comply with in a modern day business wouldn’t it be practible to have one piece of signage that would help you with the law and the information that you are required to display.

The Health, Safety and Security Sign allows you to do just that without having to devote a large area of wall space to a Health and Safety Notice Board.

The rigid plastic 340 x 660mm sign is split into three distinct sections and designed to go at the entrance of any building.

Section 1 - Deals with the basic safety information that you should be telling everyone who comes onto your premises. It advises people:

Who is responsible for Health and Safety within your organisation.

Where the First Aid kit is kept and how to contact the First Aider.

What the fire procedure is.

Where to assemble in the event of a fire.

Basic safety advice that could save their life and the lives of your staff in an emergency.

It reminds staff and visitors to your premises about the importance of good security and anti terrorist measures.

The sign is designed for any size of organisation. For instance a shop or office would fill in the section, “If you discover FIRE call” by placing 999 in the box but a large industrial site or airport may have their own procedure or on site fire team and their extension number can be inserted here.

Section 2 - Allows you to display a copy of your Health and Safety Policy Statement.

This document must be available and accessible on site. A suggested format has already been printed onto the sign particularly far small businesses who may wish to adapt this as their own. If you are an organisation which already has a Health and Safety Policy then encapsulate the Policy Statement and place it here where it can be clearly displayed for both staff and visitors to see. This will help demonstrate your commitment to a safe and healthy environment.

At the bottom of this section is a clear reminder of the new law on smoking.

Section 3 - Allows you to encapsulate your Certificate of Liability insurance policy and display it allowing you to comply with Employers Liability Compulsory Insurance Act 1969.
