Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dr. Raj Banerjee Launches The Fat Loss Guru. com to Help Users Lose Weight Quickly

Dr. Raj Banerjee Launches The Fat Loss Guru. com to Help Users Lose Weight Quickly

The Fat Loss Guru Weight Loss program announces The Ultimate Diet Handbook. The Ultimate Diet Hand Book is a new way of dieting that is so easy to follow that anyone wanting to lose fat can see noticeable change in as little as 7 days. The Fat Loss Guru is more than just a diet. Not only will dieters lose weight fast, they will have more energy and see thier chronic health problems disappear.

Memphis, TN (PRWEB) August 27, 2008

The Fat Loss Guru (http://www. thefatlossguru. com) announces The Ultimate Diet Handbook. This new website promotes fat loss system that is not a fad diet. Dieters will not have to worry about low carb, low calorie, or low fat diets. This new wildly popular program helps normal people lose weight and shows how to be healthy and fit day after day without counting calories (http://www. thefatlossguru. com).

The Fat Loss Guru is a great resource for anyone trying to lose weight permanently. It exposes the lies and myths the general public has been told about being overweight and losing excess weight. Dr. Raj Banerjee, creator of the website, says, "I've invented a revolutionary new diet so powerful you will easily and healthy lose 10 pounds in 7 days (http://www. thefatlossguru. com). Dieting doesn't work. Everyone knows that. If you want to lose weight you have know how your stress hormone, cortisol, affects your metabolism. It's actually very simple. You will learn the science behind using food to boost your metabolism (http://www. thefatlossguru. com) for permanent weight loss." He notes that the driving force of this weight loss system is that "food is your medicine." Depending on what type of food one eats and what intervals they have their meals, will either make dieters fat or help them lose weight.

The Ultimate Diet Handbook solves dieters biggest problems with weight loss in plain English. It is designed for people to get real lasting results. People who have been on many different diets have found The Ultimate Diet Handbook a breath of fresh air. It is more than a diet. It is a way of living. Dieters who have failed losing weight using many of the fad diets see amazing results. The author claims that faithful followers of The Fat Loss Guru will notice weight loss within just 7 days. And they will have more success with this program than any of the current popular diets like the Jenny Craig Diet, The Atkins Diet, Weight Watchers diet and many others.

The Ultimate Diet Handbook will teach dieters how to create a healthy natural balance in their body. The important thing is anyone trying to lose weight need to be careful not to damage their metabolism. Dr. Banerjee reveals ways dieters can damage their metabolism more and make their situation worse. He explains that "any kind of caloric restriction or reduction of food intake is going to make your body think that it is starving and that in turn will damage your metabolism even more." So if people go through any kind of diet and reduce their calories in any way, they may have some short term weight loss. But eventually their metabolism will start to be even more damaged. When they start to eat normally again, they will start to put weight back on. Anyone that has been on a diet knows that's its true.

Dieters who sign up for membership on The Fat Loss Guru website will be able to instantly download the Ultimate Diet Handbook (http://www. thefatlossguru. com) and the Fat Burning Diet Generator within seconds. It generates a powerful 10 day diet for quick, healthy weight loss. Obesity is a growing epidemic in the United States and Dr. Banerjee's mission is to help as many people as possible by giving them simple yet powerful tools to lose weight in a healthy and safe manner.
