Sunday, April 17, 2011

Panama Real Estate Report Reveals Secrets For Retiring to Panama

Panama Real Estate Report Reveals Secrets For Retiring to Panama

The tropical Republic of Panama has experienced unbridled growth in 2007 with a booming economy, nascent real estate market, and emerging pull for eco-tourism. But beyond the financial and leisure rewards, The Panama Real Estate Report reveals how travelers and investors are finding more, less-publicized allures.

Panama City, Panama (PRWEB) May 8, 2008

Retirement used to be a concept characterized by lazy afternoons in a rocking chair and the delicate planting of lilies and daffodils in the front yard. It was, for many of yester-year, an end-all-be-all: the closing reward. The face of arthritis commercials on TV. But in the latest Panama Real Estate Report, retirement to Panama is redefined.

"It's an outdated concept from the early Industrial Revolution," claims retirement naysayer Tony Rush. It goes back to when "employers told laborers, 'Hey, if you'll work for me for 40 hours a week for 40 years...then you can quit and get a gold watch and a pension." It didn't work then, and it doesn't work now.

Today's perception of retirement seems to be a vast gulf adrift from the traditional sense of the word, with more and more middle-aged individuals not only "retiring" earlier but also using their so-called retirement as a platform to start dream businesses, recoil to paradise destinations, and dedicate to passionate pastimes. Panama, outside the walls of its commerce and banking fortress, is emerging as the ultimate spot for today's new-age retirees to come down and start again.

And no one even said age had to play a factor. Foreigners "retiring" to Panama are getting younger and younger, drawn like gold rushers, to the Republic's strong infrastructure, great climate, and stunningly untapped natural resources. To these trend-setters, investing in Panama a lifestyle change more than anything else.

Following a study by Natwest and the Centre for Future Studies of the UK, "87 percent of residents find life overseas to be better than they had anticipated, 68 per cent consider themselves healthier and 81 percent report a greater sense of wellbeing."

Landing dream jobs and turning knowledge or passion into ideal work is a less-publicized yet extremely attractive selling point of Panama as well, mostly to new-age retirees who tend to value quality of life and self-fulfilment above anything else. The market voids, from food to travel to non-profit organizations, according to experts are simply desperate for the filling.

According to Matt Landau, quoted in NuWire Investor and the author of The Panama Real Estate Report (http://www. thepanamareport. com/real-estate-report/panama-real-estate-report-439.html (http://www. thepanamareport. com/real-estate-report/panama-real-estate-report-439.html)), "The real draw to Panama is not its cheap beachfront condos or City nightlife." Landau reveals in his $99 report how business opportunities of all sizes and shapes for foreigners are ubiquitous. "It's a deeper, more emotional sense of fulfillment than just investing--in spending one's days doing what they love -- that's really at the heart, no pun intended, of relocating to Panama."

While some might consider relocating to Panama to be a detour rather than a new path, other experts claim that same detour just might be the new path.

Whether it's founding their own yoga studio, starting a pool cleaning service, or opening a small bed and breakfast, industry experts like Joel Garfinkle say the main catalyst is deciding and focusing on how to go after what one finds fulfilling in their life. Career changes seem to be to simple and too limiting, whereas the process of moving to Panama is the ultimate stepping stone mechanism for the future. For many, Panama is the perfect canvas on which to paint a new sense fulfillment.

Panama is a nation that plays to both the strengths and weaknesses of new-age retirees looking to start anew. It's a comfortable tropical destination, full of culture, wildlife, and development, where retiring to one's dream lifestyle is very much up for interpretation.
