Thursday, April 28, 2011

Seabiotics: Amazing Product That Restores the Immune System and Alleviates Chronic Pain and Disease; Works for Everyone, All the Time, Every Time

Seabiotics: Amazing Product That Restores the Immune System and Alleviates Chronic Pain and Disease; Works for Everyone, All the Time, Every Time

Seabiotics is a new product from Norway that is giving hope to those who are long time sufferers of pain and chronic disease. Many Americans are finding relief form chronic pain due to arthritis and other debilliating conditions. Many people are eliminating prescriptions that are destroying their immune systems. Diabetes patients, cancer patients, high blood pressure patients, high cholesterol patients, asthma sufferers, anyone with chronic illness or those hoping to avoid future problems, you have to take a serious look at seabiotics.

Marion, IL (PRWEB) October 14, 2005

Seabiotics is a new product from Norway that is giving hope to those who are long time sufferers of pain and chronic disease. Many Americans are finding relief form chronic pain due to arthritis and other debilliating conditions. Many people are eliminating prescriptions that are destroying their immune systems. Diabetes patients, cancer patients, high blood pressure patients, high cholesterol patients, asthma sufferers, anyone with chronic illness or those hoping to avoid future problems, you have to take a serious look at seabiotics.

Shark Liver Oil

Immunity from the deep

Strengthens the immune system Beneficial for coughs, colds and influenza Recommended before, during and after radiation therapy

Immunity from the Deep

Sharks are the strongest and most invincible of all creatures in the ocean. Besides their outward physical attributes to protect themselves, nature provided these creatures from the deep with amazing immunity to ill health. They never get cancer or the common problems associated with humanity. The exciting news is that now their powerful resistance may be available to you.

Two Centuries Old

Norwegian fishermen in the 18th Century discovered that oil extracted from the liver of the deep water shark sped up skin tissue repair if applied to wounds. The fishermen filled stomach sacs of fish with the shark's liver oil and used it to alleviate respiratory tract infections. They also found through practical usage that the oil strengthened them, especially when taken after illness.

Exciting Discovery

By the early 19th Century, the use of shark liver oil had all but died out, apart from in a few isolated Scandinavian fishing communities. This valuable knowledge would have completely disappeared, had it not been for two Japanese scientists who, in 1922, discovered a lipid which differs from the usually fatty substances by the presence of a single atom of oxygen. They called these healing molecules alkoxyglycerols.

These molecules were synthesised in 1930 and then research into their versatile healing applications progressed rapidly. The technological advances of the 1940s and 1950s enabled the Swedish researchers, Hallgren and Larsson, to undertake extremely specific studies of shark liver oil in the 1960s1. The liver oil was found to contain extremely high concentrations of active alkoxyglycerols2,3 usually only found in mother's milk and bone marrow. Further scientific research was then undertaken over the next twenty years by other Swedish researchers.

Properties of Alkoxyglycerols

These eminent Swedish scientists made the exciting discoveries that shark liver oil, with its potent alkoxyglycerols:

 activated and enhanced the body's lymphatic immune defence system by stimulating the formation of antibodies4 and increasing the number of white blood cells and thrombocytes in our blood.  diminished the harmful side-effects following radiation therapy by reducing leucopenia and thrombocytopenia (both of which invariably occur during the course of irradiation).5,6 The alkoxyglycerols neutralised and counteracted the detrimental changes in the blood cell ratio caused by treatment.

Lymphatic Immune Response

The lymphatic system plays an important role in the body's immune system by repelling harmful bacteria, fungi and viral invaders. It is one of the major lines of the body's defences against disease and could be likened to the pipes of the plumbing system in a building. Its vessels carry tissue fluid, called lymph, around the body. The lymph carries harmful substances from the tissues to be exterminated by the white blood cells in the lymph nodes, before the lymph is returned to the blood at the veins in the neck. The lymphatic nodes are small glands, situated in specific places in the body, which produce white blood cells. Some of these cells produce antibodies and others ingest the invading bacteria, thereby destroying it.

Radiation Therapy

In the course of these extensive studies, it was observed and recorded that alkoxyglycerols, if taken for a period prior to radiation therapy, had an inhibiting effect upon abnormal cellular reproduction7 and the results of these innovative discoveries were reported to the international scientific world at the First International Symposium on Ether Lipids in Oncology, held in Western Germany in 1986.

How Shark Liver Oil May Help You

It has been extensively researched and scientifically proven that the active alkoxyglycerols in shark liver oil have a definite healing application.

Indications for its use would appear to be:

 Recurring infections.  Strengthening the immune system, particularly in chronic degenerative diseases.  Beneficial for coughs, colds and influenza.  Important for tissue repair, delayed wound healing and acne.  Recommended before, during and after radiation therapy.  Promotes healing and recovery of nervous system.  Normalises metabolism in diabetics.  Effective against viral hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.  Has an analgesic and anaesthetising effect to neutralise pain. Topically, shark liver oil is a valuable deterrent in the fight against the symptoms of ageing and as an aid in the maintenance and integrity of the skin. It also helps to minimise the liver spots that accompany aging.

Nature's Benefit

Shark liver oil alkoxyglycerols are not an isolated example of health benefits from the ocean. The shark has, however, provided an exciting answer to some of mankind's pressing health problems with its potent, healing alkoxyglycerols.

Please note that shark liver oil products currently available are sourced from Scandinavia, where the sharks are fished for human consumption and pet food and are not fished exclusively for its oil.

For more information visit www. seabiotics. com/knarvaez (http://www. seabiotics. com/knarvaez )
Or call  1-866-324-7693

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