Tuesday, September 24, 2002



P. G. Grassroots Organizers Answer Questions and Welcome Volunteers at Greenbelt’s New Deal Café

(PRWEB) July 22, 2003

GREENBELT, MD (PRWEB) July 19, 2003 – Prince George’s for Dean invites interested P. G. County residents to get involved in the election of the next President of the United States. Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean, M. D., is one of the front-running Democratic candidates for the presidency in 2004. Coordinators of the grassroots movement to elect Governor Dean will be available to answer questions and welcome volunteers on Wednesday, August 6th, at 7 p. m. at the New Deal Café, 113 Centerway (across from the P&G Old Greenbelt Theater) in Greenbelt, Maryland. Coordinators will screen a video featuring Governor Dean, distribute Dean literature and explain the current committees in which volunteers can get involved.

Howard Dean’s run for the presidency is unique because it draws its power directly from the people – through the Internet. The Dean campaign’s own website, www. deanforamerica. com, along with Meetup. com and many associated weblogs, has revolutionized the way people become involved in political campaigns. Scores of Prince George’s residents are expected for this month’s Prince George’s Meetup. Almost 64,000 Americans in over 560 cities and towns have signed up for Meetups nationwide, forming the largest grassroots organization in support of any 2004 presidential candidate. This surge of support is only partly due to the power of the Internet; it is primarily a testament to Governor Dean.

To learn more about Dr. Howard Dean’s “prescription for change” – his views on American foreign policy, civil rights, health care, education, and fiscal responsibility – join the Prince George’s for Dean movement. Prince George’s for Dean has representatives at Meetups on the first Wednesday evening of each month. Join us, and help take back our country!

About Howard Dean

A commonsense moderate, Governor Dean firmly believes that social justice can be accomplished only through strong financial management. In 11 years as governor of Vermont, he cut the income tax and reduced the state's long-term debt. He paid off an inherited $70 million deficit and worked with lawmakers to build "rainy day" reserves to help the state through any future economic downturns. In addition, more than 41,000 new jobs were created, the state's minimum wage was increased, incentive programs were expanded to help downtowns attract new businesses, and tax incentives were created to attract and keep new companies.

With strong financial management, Governor Dean was able to accomplish many of his social goals. A passionate healthcare advocate, he strengthened a program to guarantee health coverage to nearly every child and most adults in Vermont and expanded programs to help seniors afford prescription drugs. He also signed into law one of the toughest managed-care patient protections in the United States. For a healthy environment, Governor Dean worked with local communities and the federal government to preserve more than one million acres of farmland, shorefront, working forests, and wilderness for generations to come. For more information: www. deanforamerica. com

Dean for America, P. O. Box 1228, Burlington, VT 05402, (802) 846-6600, info@deanforamerica. com

About Prince GeorgeÂ’s for Dean

Prince GeorgeÂ’s for Dean is a grassroots organization organized by individuals. PG for Dean is not officially connected to the Dean for America campaign. The Dean for America campaign, however, has actively encouraged these grassroots meetings by providing links and reminders on www. deanforamerica. com. Extensive use of the Internet for grassroots organizing is unprecedented in presidential politics and is demonstrating the importance of the web in political campaigns.

Http://www. PGforDean. org/ (http://www. PGforDean. org/)
Http://maryland. fordean. org/ (http://maryland. fordean. org/)