Saturday, May 17, 2003



(PRWEB) July 25, 2000

St. Petersburg, Florida, 07/21/00—With his 40th birthday a mere four weeks away, fitness athlete Ed Emlaw, a Professional Fitness Coach with 25 years in the health and fitness field, has broken yet new ground in his personal quest to "win at life"! Having gone through a culmination of personal difficulties in 1998, Ed realized that at 38 years of age, he was facing a crucial crossroads of life, and made a commitment to reorganize himself by formulating and implementing his own personal improvement plan. The first step was a fitness program that would create the environment needed to be able to resurrect the discipline it would take not only to get back into mental and physical shape, but to attain the highest level of personal performance and accomplishment in all that he did. The supreme variable that needed to be mastered was will and desire. Without these foundations for success energized at an all-time high, Ed knew he would never be able to accomplish the ambitious goals for success that he had set before him.

Being victorious in October of 1999, by capturing an overall win in the NABF Natural Mr. Florida Masters Bodybuilding Championships, Ed set higher goals to train for the Florida Sunshine-State Track and Field Championships in 2000. Held July 9th in Gainesville, Florida, Ed competed in the mens 35-39 age group 100 meter sprint. Surrounded by veteran track athletes, Ed, who until this time had never competed in a track event, took a close third place finish and a bronze medal. This qualified him to represent Florida in the upcoming national championships in 2001 being held in St. Louis, MO. This win helped bring together his goal of creating a marketable fitness athlete image, and showing people of all ages, that will, desire and dedication can make dreams come true! Along the way, Ed created and has a patent pending on a simple and effective Personal Rehabilitative Stretching Tool, named Solo-Stretch™, that allows the user to have full control over increasing the flexibility and vitality of the lower back, hips, legs and calves. National sales of Solo-Stretch™ are expected to skyrocket, and a website devoted to this innovation, www. solo - stretch. com, explains the importance of personal flexibility, health, and motivation. You can contact Ed Emlaw, a U. S. Army veteran, at 727-347-9450 or www. solo-stretch. com for interviews or information as a motivational guest speaker and for professional fitness coaching as well.