Saturday, January 31, 2004

Matt Parker Atop His Charger Reaches Kansas

Matt Parker Atop His Charger Reaches Kansas

Horseman logs over 1,700 miles and crosses Colorado

SYRACUSE, KS (PRWEB) August 27, 2004 -

– Cross-country horseback traveler, Matt Parker has made it through another state with his horse Little Face and mule, Danny Boy, continuing his quest to become the first horseman to cross the nation on the American Discovery Trail (ADT).

With more than 1,700 miles under his belt, Matt hopes to become the first person on horseback to complete the 5,000 miles of the ADT, the only coast-to-coast, non-motorized route across the country.

Matt was delayed two weeks early on in Colorado, due to unusually late snow fall on the Grand Mesa and had to wait it out until the snow melted, keeping him in the state longer than anticipated.

The cross-country journey, has presented Matt with some adversity -- inclement weather, injured animals and his own health -- but Matt has persevered.

“I’ve come far, both physically and psychologically,” said Matt, “and yet, it’s only fueled my desire to press on. I have met some real characters along this journey who have carried my spirits higher.”

To date, Matt has traveled more than 1,700 miles -- crossing California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado -- and is willful he can traverse this great nation, on his horse accompanied by his mule.

Matt anticipates completing the 570 miles of the ADT across Kansas in 30 days.

Updates and details of this record journey will be posted on Matt ParkerÂ’s website at http://www. rideofpassage. com (http://www. rideofpassage. com).

For more details about the American Discovery Trail, please visit http://www. discoverytrail. org (http://www. discoverytrail. org).

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