Saturday, September 11, 2004

Silent Deadly Crisis in Facing Seniors

Silent Deadly Crisis in Facing Seniors

Too many seniors found at home helpless. This happens somewhere everyday! More deadly than bird flu. Non-intrusive telephone reassurance plan helps decree risk to seniors and home bound More cost effective than other systems.

CHESTERTON, IN (PRWEB) November 10, 2005

MIR-A-CARE, LLC - “There is a silent deadly crisis happening in America today” Mike Adams, Director, MIR-A-CARE said in a recent interview. “There are millions of senior citizens at risk of being found lying helpless at home after what should have been a minor medical or accidental incident.” Adams went on to say “Early discovery of these victims is essential to saving their lives and maintaining an independent living lifestyle. We can and should do much better to check up on the folks that are not able to get out much. Most of those at risk do not have debilitating conditions at all. They have become more reclusive as they age. Simply stated; those at risk are over 70 years old living by themselves, and home most of the time.” Adams said. “Too many times you hear from a friend or neighbor that someone was found helpless at home days after a minor in home incident by the mail carrier who noticed that mail was not being picked up. You don’t hear about this in the news anymore because it occurs so often it is NOT news. We can do better than this with daily check-up calls” Adams concluded.

MIR-A-CARE, LLC - is proud to be introducing a NATIONAL TELEPHONE REASSURANCE SYSTEM for the infirmed and homebound. This system of telephone calls is meant to augment the already existing programs, but more importantly to reach the people that are not served locally, of which there are millions at risk. Nearly all other systems in place today are local to a small area and use volunteers to place calls which many clients find intrusive. This National Plan covers areas not served by local volunteer callers and gives a choice of a less intrusive call to insure client safety in areas that are served by volunteers. We provide a service that helps the elderly stay in their homes, reassures their safety and their sense of security by regular calls throughout the week.

This automatic telephone reassurance service makes daily calls to our clients without being overly intrusive, is effective in maintaining a person's independence, and helps insure continued independent living. This type of call is preferred by most people our research has shown because it is not intrusive, yet accomplishes the goal of a well-being check. This can be a vital link to remaining independent because it insures that in the event of an at home incident there will be a response in less than 24 hours, increasing the survivability of the infirmed or homebound.

Part of our service becomes a safety call. Safety calls are aimed at those people who live alone and whose health places them at risk and, therefore, would benefit by being monitored on a daily basis. A call is made to determine that this individual is "OK." If the client does not answer or responds incorrectly, procedures are set in motion to check on their well-being.
