Monday, July 18, 2005

OU Physicians, Oklahoma City, OK -- a 10 Year Review

OU Physicians, Oklahoma City, OK -- a 10 Year Review

Created by the University Hospital Trust to serve the medical professors of the University of Oklahoma, OU Physicians has established a standard of efficient patient centered care for the south central region of the United States. This 178,000 square foot facility was designed to consolidate the private practices for physicians teaching at the University of Oklahoma and to provide a superior patient service experience.

Dallas, TX (PRWEB) June 17, 2009

The medical planning team, comprised of AUHC (http://www. auhc. com) led by Dr. Andrew Lasser and Rees Associates, Inc. led by Lisa Matthews and Kathy Potts was successful in creating a patient centered care methodology that has achieved wide recognition.

"Our patients used to abuse our facility and our staff in our old building. In our new care center, which respects our patients, the patients take care of our building, our furniture and our staff. We credit REES (http://www. rees. com) and AUHC (http://www. auhc. com) with creating a new way of serving our patients."

10 years after the planning commenced, OU Physicians has become the standard for academic medicine clinic design. The Shusterman Center in Tulsa, OK is a similarly successful project. When planning began for it, Gerald Clancy, M. D. directed the design team to duplicate the atmosphere, functionality, efficiency and spirit of OU Physicians in OKC.
