The Chinese Drywall Complaint Center Calls Chinese Drywall In Florida & Gulf States A National Disgrace-Help Wanted-Now!
For over nine months Americas Watchdog's Chinese Drywall Complaint Center has been calling toxic Chinese drywall in Florida, Louisiana, Virginia, Mississippi, Alabama & Texas the worst environmental disaster in US history. The group is now saying, "imported drywall from China is the worst environmental, and possibly the worst health disaster in US history, it is also about to turn into our nations biggest national disgrace."The Chinese Drywall Complaint Center is calling upon every Chinese drywall victim in Florida, and every other affected state to hold large town hall meetings, designed to show the nation, what everyone in Washington, DC has failed to see. The Chinese Drywall Complaint Center calls, "toxic Chinese drywall the King Kong version of a Katrina type Hurricane. Unfortunately the current US President, a Nancy Pelosi Congress, and the national press are too blind to see it." For more information on helping the Chinese Drywall Complaint Center to organize these meetings, please contact the group at 866-714-6466, or contact the group via its web site at Http://ChineseDrywallComplaintCenter. Com
Washington, DC (PRWEB) October 21, 2009
Americas Watchdog's Chinese Drywall Complaint Center is warning homeowners in Florida, Louisiana, Virginia, Alabama, Texas, and Mississippi to not get delusional because ABC covered the toxic Chinese drywall story, in the Gulf states as a side show last week. The group is saying, "the rest of the nation has already forgotten, that hundreds of thousands of you, in Florida, Louisiana, Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi, or Texas are about to lose your homeowners insurance coverage, your health, or that your home is now worth zero." The Chinese Drywall Complaint Center is saying,"the average American, our President, and the US Congress have no clue you are in the biggest mess of your life. This is Hurricane Katrina on steroids, this toxic garbage was shipped in from our new friend China, & no one outside of the Southeast cares. We care, but we need your help in getting organized." For more information please contact the Chinese drywall Complaint Center at 866-714-6466, or contact the group via its web site at Http://ChineseDrywallComplaintCenter. Com
The Chinese Drywall Complaint Center says,"if you think President Obama and Nancy Pelosi are going to come to your rescue, you are in dream land. If you don't wake up & help us make this a big national deal, the next phase of this will be you lose your insurance, your home, or you have to walk away because Chris Dodd & the Senate Banking Committee will cut a deal with the banks, who will get reimbursed for their loss. As it sits right now-most US citizens are not aware of the fact that you are in a huge mess."
So What Happens If Homeowners In Florida & Other States Do Nothing About The Fact They Live In Homes That Contains Toxic Chinese Drywall? According to the Chinese Drywall Complaint Center:
"We already know homeowners insurance companies are denying coverage on home purchases with properties that contain toxic Chinese drywall. The next step will be the insurance companies will drop coverage for communities already identified as having toxic Chinese drywall." "At some point in the very near future we think banks will not be allowed to finance, or refinance a home that contains toxic Chinese drywall. They are all a foreclosure waiting to happen, because of the health issues & fire issues." "The sixty four thousand dollar question is how bad will the health effects be from toxic Chinese Drywall? We fear cancers of all types, heart attacks, strokes, severe neurological disorders, etc. It may take four years for a comprehensive medical report to confirm what we fear is the inevitable confirmations of our concerns." "At some point homeowners will just walk away from Chinese drywall homes, as thousands already have. The banks will get the house back, because they write big checks to really stellar US Senators on the US Senate Banking Committee-the banks will get reimbursed on tearing down your former home, & you will get nothing-except cancer & ruined credit."
Americas Watchdog's Chinese Drywall Complaint Center is saying,"for those of us living with, or trying to help those who live in homes with toxic Chinese drywall, in Florida, Louisiana, Virginia, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, or other states, this is the defining moment. We all stand together, and yell for help, with one very loud voice, or your lives, your hopes, your dreams, your investment, will all end up in the trash heap of forgotten moments, in our nations history." The group is saying, "we need your help, to get our President, our Congress, and the national press involved. Call every national talk radio program you can think of, call the national TV networks, go to our web site and call the White house, & demand President Obama & the US House & Senate leadership to come to Florida, or any of the other, states to see for themselves." The Chinese Drywall Complaint Center is saying, "we are running out of time, we need to give this our best shot, we need to be unified, and we need to hurry." For more information please call the Chinese Drywall Complaint Center at 866-714-6466, or contact the group via its web site at Http://ChineseDrywallComplaintCenter. Com
According to the group,"please share this press release with everyone you know & ask them to assist us in trying to get all of you some long overdue help. This is America, we are there for our neighbors in times of great need. This is one of those times-we just have to get the word out & force the issue with our President & the national press-America will be horrified when they find out & they will help."
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