Saturday, November 10, 2007

Grand Opening University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital Center for Patient Safety

Grand Opening University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital Center for Patient Safety

Thursday January 13, 2005 from 5:00-8:00 pm at the Institute Building at Jackson Memorial Hospital

(PRWEB) January 8, 2005

We are pleased to cordially invite you to join us at our Grand Opening events on Thursday evening, January 13, 2005 from 5:00 p. m. to 8:00 p. m. We will celebrate the accomplishments of the past year which include leading a state coalition to pass the most comprehensive patient safety legislation in the United States. We will be moving to the fourth floor of the Institute Building at Jackson Memorial Hospital. We have planned an exciting evening that will afford you an opportunity to learn more about our mission to improve the safety of patients, health care staff and the community.

The Center for Patient Safety seeks to stimulate the growth of patient safety knowledge by conducting scientific and clinical investigations with health care professionals and by designing innovative health care curricula based on human factors, team training and simulation. We aim to raise public awareness of patient-centered care and to foster the exchange of information from health care professionals to each patient through education and outreach activities.

Our key initiatives during the past year have been:

1. Measuring and reporting the quality and efficiency of care in ambulatory, hospital, and other care settings

2. Redesigning care from the patientÂ’s perspective

3. Harnessing Information Technology for measuring and improving care

4. Improving the coordination of care within and across health care settings

5. Research on public and private policies for improving care

6. Reducing disparities by improving quality of care

7. Designing and implementing a patient safety curriculum

8. Studying, analyzing and reviewing near-miss and adverse event reporting systems

9. Studying team training methods and assessment tools

10. Setting up a human factors and usability laboratory

11. Setting up a state-of-the-art simulation training center

12. Community outreach on patient safety and quality improvement projects

13. University-wide student and post graduate education

The Center for Patient Safety facility is an innovative, first of its kind, Center. Join us on January 13, 2005 and experience a live, patient-centered simulation production. A team of medical professionals will conduct a debriefing session after the simulation demonstration.

If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Karla Grover at: KGrover@med. miami. edu.

For more information about the Center for Patient Safety, please call us at 305-585-8364 or visit www. patientsafety. med. miami. edu.

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