Saturday, February 14, 2009

Flu Vaccine Shortage Expected; Worst Flu Season On Record Predicted. FLAVORx Finds Remedy to Bitter Tasting Anti-retroviral Medications

Flu Vaccine Shortage Expected; Worst Flu Season On Record Predicted. FLAVORx Finds Remedy to Bitter Tasting Anti-retroviral Medications.

Flu could kill potentially millions of people. Children and the elderly are most at risk. Adherence to the medication regimen is imperative; to ensure compliance, medication should be flavored to ensure recovery with no long term health damage.

Bethesda, MD (PRWEB) October 7, 2005

In response to President Bush’s speech regarding the avian flu on October 4, 2005, pharmacies across the country are gearing up for what could be the worst flu season on record. Pharmacies across the nation rapidly prepare in case this strain of the Flu spreads west and causes a pandemic infection as well as death.

“The Flu whether avian or not can be fatal,” says Kenny Kramm, President and CEO of FLAVORx. “Pharmacies are going to be more critical than ever this year in making sure that the supply of medicines can meet the demand. Care for those individuals most at risk, children and the elderly, will also be critical. Making sure that these high risk individuals can take their medications given an outbreak is our priority.”

Already this new strain of flu has proven to be more virulent than either the 1968 Hong Kong flu which claimed nearly a million lives and the Spanish flu outbreak of 1918 that killed an estimated 50 million people worldwide.

Even though an individual cannot be inoculated against the avian flu, it is still recommended that everyone get the flu shot. If you do get the flu there are several prescription and OTC remedies that can help alleviate the symptoms. Above all water and rest are most necessary. If children are infected it is highly recommended that they have their medicines flavored. Flavoring not only increases a child’s acceptance of a medicine but it ensures accurate dosing and relieves parental stress. Liquid flavored medications are also more quickly absorbed into the patient’s system and thus recovery is more immediate. In an American Academy of Pediatrics study, nearly 90% of pediatricians recommend flavoring prescription medications to boost compliance.


FLAVORx (www. flavorx. com) is the leading provider of the FLAVORx medical flavoring system to pharmacies worldwide. All FLAVORx flavors are FDA tested and approved. Currently available in more than 30,000 pharmacies, such as Walgreens, Rite Aid, CVS, Target, Alberton’s, Kmart and Safeway, FLAVORx has flavored more than 50 million prescriptions worldwide. The company develops, manufactures and markets its flavoring system that is used to flavor more than 600 medications. FLAVORx does not make medicine taste like candy, but makes it more palatable for children, adults and even animals. Founded in 1995, the company is on a mission to “take the yuck out of medicine.”

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