Saturday, November 21, 2009

Liver Damage and Lindsay Lohan: New Liver Damage Awareness for Young Adults

Liver Damage and Lindsay Lohan: New Liver Damage Awareness for Young Adults

Reports of possible liver damage from alcohol abuse by actress Lindsay Lohan have helped debunk the myth that liver damage and cirrhosis of the liver can't happen to someone in their 20s.

San Antonio, Texas (PRWEB) January 20, 2007

News reports that actress-singer Lindsay Lohan may have liver damage may help many people in their 20s become more aware that liver damage is not something that happens to only middle-aged people who have abused alcohol for years or even decades.

"Whether the reports about Ms. Lohan are true or not, people in their teens and 20's should be made aware that liver damage, even cirrhosis of the liver, can happen to them," according to Dr. Ratnakar Kini, a resident at the Department of Digestive Health and Diseases, Chennai, India.

According to the reports, Lohan has liver damage caused by too much drinking. The 'National Enquirer' claims that the problems were discovered during Lohan's recent stint in hospital to have her appendix removed. The Enquirer further reported that "Lindsay's liver panel shows her drinking is taking a terrible toll on her health. Her liver enzymes are extremely elevated, and doctors warned her if she doesn't quit boozing she could die."

Lohan, who 20 years old and not yet of legal drinking age, is famous for her excessive partying. ABC News reports that her representative, Lesley Sloan-Zelnik, has confirmed that Lohan has checked into a rehabilitation program following months of speculation about her overuse of alcohol.

Dr. Kini adds, "It doesn't take 20 or 30 years of alcohol abuse to cause liver damage or cirrhosis of the liver. If you drink too much and too often, it might only take a few years before long term liver damage begins to appear. So it can certainly happen to people in their 20's. It can even happen to people in their teens if they start drinking young enough."

Dr. Kini recently authored a series of articles related to the human liver and liver problems. The articles have been published on the Internet at www. myliver. biz. Topics covered by the site include liver damage, cirrhosis of the liver, liver cysts, fatty liver disease, liver detoxification, liver cleansing and liver cancer.

Dr. Kini is a Gastroenterology resident at the Department of Digestive Health and Diseases, Chennai, India (formerly known as "Madras"). He is a Graduate in Pediatrics from The Institute of Child Health and Hospital for Children in Chennai.
