Saturday, November 21, 2009

Raise Honorable Children, Reduce Youth Violence, and Change the World for the Better

Raise Honorable Children, Reduce Youth Violence, and Change the World for the Better

My Goodness, My Kids: Cultivating Decency in a Dangerous World By Nesta A. Aharoni Grassroots Publishing Group (Carlsbad, CA) Publication Date: April 2008 • ISBN: 978-0-9794805-0-8 • 6" x 9" Quality Paper Price: $15.95 • Pages: 216 • Distributed to the trade by AtlasBooks (Tel: 800 266-5564)

Carlsbad, California (PRWEB) March 20, 2008

Is it possible to affect positive changes in our world and make it a kinder, safer place to live by raising children who embody character above and beyond any other quality? Are children who radiate goodness and integrity of more value to the future of our society than yet another talented or popular child? Can negative behaviors in early childhood be prevented or halted by instilling a sense of honor into our children?

"Yes," says Nesta A. Aharoni, in her pioneering new book, My Goodness: My Kids, Cultivating Decency in a Dangerous World. This book provides philosophies, techniques, and anecdotes for raising children who will mature into adults who live their lives with decency. Nesta's mission is to teach parents how to recognize daily character-building opportunities and to then give their children a "good shot." "When parents change their emphasis from sports, grades, and popularity to character building and values--first and foremost--we all benefit from the results," says Ms. Aharoni.

My Goodness: My Kids is filled with practical examples of thought-provoking and empowering methods that parents can use to raise children who will grow up to make our world a healthier place. In these times of ever-increasing risk and peril, Ms. Aharoni's intriguing set of pointers will direct parents to focus not only on the outcome within their homes but also on the greater needs of society. A few of the suggested practices in the book include the following:
Eliminating curfews for teenagers can build trust and respect and, surprisingly, get your kids home earlier than expected. Asking children to design their own punishment can increase harmony in the home, while still accomplishing its intended purpose. Teaching a lifelong love of learning will support your children through life more than paying them for grades ever will.

"An awesome read. Don't start it on a day that you have plans because you will find yourself spellbound by Nesta's words, along with her skillful and successful parenting style."
--Marcia Essig, PhD, Psychologist/Parenting Specialist

"My Goodness! It is really good. This book contains comprehensive, individually tailored child-rearing strategies that present a relatively simple and realistic method for producing honorable, educated, and happy adults."
--Bill Williams, PhD, Psychologist, author of Trading Chaos

Nesta A. Aharoni offers dynamic, practical parenting skills that focus on goodness. Along with her husband, she has raised three remarkable children. Nesta's broad background includes starting and editing an employment magazine that won a Small Business award in San Diego. She has directed a court reporting college, served on the State of California's CSR School Oversight Committee, and sat on a Community College Advisory Board. She is now the Vice-President of her Toastmaster's chapter.
