Wednesday, November 5, 2003

This Holiday Season, You Can Eat Great and Still Lose Weight

This Holiday Season, You Can Eat Great and Still Lose Weight

Everyone knows that staying on a diet isn’t easy, especially during the holidays. But now women can learn how to easily incorporate healthier food choices into their holiday festivities without feeling as if they’re denying themselves or missing out on something great.

Philadelphia, PA (PRWEB) November 1, 2010

You can truly have your cake and eat it too, according to Evon LaRiese-Davis, founder of SarahAlexanderFitness. com, the lifestyle and weight management Web site for women over 40. LaRiese-Davis takes a practical, no nonsense approach to weight management. In her book "101 Steps to a Fitter You! A Common Sense Approach to a Healthier Lifestyle," LaRiese-Davis outlines simple and enjoyable diet adjustments that can not only get women through the holidays but can help them avoid a lifetime of dieting.

Research has shown that dieting to lose a few pounds for a special occasion typically leads to regaining the weight. According to LaRiese-Davis, healthy eating, exercise and lifestyle modifications are the keys to a healthier, longer life. The temptation to overeat during the holiday season is great. But, by making simple substitutions and exercising portion control, women can enjoy the upcoming holiday festivities and not feel guilty.

When it comes to eating holiday fare, LaRiese-Davis suggests that women "use the half-plate rule, filling half your plate with vegetables and fruit." This leaves less room for the apple-sausage stuffing, candied sweet potatoes, macaroni and cheese and other holiday dishes. And, when confronted with the traditional holiday drinks, "skip the egg nog and save the extra calories for dessert," says LaRiese-Davis.

Simple diet and lifestyle changes can help protect women from cardiovascular diseases, strokes, diabetes, and other diseases. LaRiese-Davis believes that diet modification, not dieting, combined with physical activity is the key to a better quality of life. LaRiese-Davis says "take a walk after dinner for an extra calorie burn. But, most of all, enjoy your holidays."

About Evon LaRiese-Davis

Evon LaRiese-Davis is an author and motivational speaker. Like many women, poor eating habits and lack of physical activity led to weight gain over the years. LaRiese-Davis eventually embarked upon a quest to regain control of her body. Eating a balanced diet and participating in regular physical activity became the key components of her quest towards a healthier body. She founded SarahAlexanderFitness. com, the online portal for women who want to be “fit after 40 and fabulous after 50” and wrote her first book, "101 Steps to a Fitter You! A Common Sense Approach to a Healthier Lifestyle," to help others do the same.

LaRiese-Davis is committed to helping women regain control of their bodies through realistic plans that will help them achieve their goals. Her philosophy is simple: “By eating the right foods, increasing cardiovascular activity and building muscle, you will burn fat.” LaRiese-Davis is AFAA Telefitness Exercise Systems certified and walked in her first half-marathon at the age of 53.

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